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Nikita Kostyuchenko 25.11.19 04:15 pm

Discussion of optimization (Watch_Dogs 2)

Of course,you think,nothing to do,spam posts-the accordions of all sorts.But still interested in your opinion.Here I played in Bethke steep,and even Bethke nehily optimization.I have that on i3-4130,which is the i5-4460 and gtx 950 on high just the unknown smoothness and great feel, framerate close to 60(Not measured).However the trees there very well detailed(those who played will understand what I have in quotes).So,what I'm getting at,in your opinion will I be able to bring optimize in watch dogs 2?It seems to me,to the 29-th number that can be finished.For me they can bring in optimization,when we want,then the question of price...I don't think they will release a console for the price of the disc(I'm talking about the Deluxe edition)of crude product,although it's yubisoft XD
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Ser Ser 25.11.19

Yeah, like three times the number of polygons)
Go try potrolit in gdenit more

Demon59901 25.11.19

By the way, try to play with the window mode. I put the full screen instead of to deploy. Seem to have become smoother.

SupernaturalLost 25.11.19

Horrible optimization :

Testing at maximum quality settings 1920x1080 GameWorks+

With these settings acceptable rate FPS showed the video card level Radeon RX 480 or GeForce GTX 970. Optimal solutions will be the video card level Radeon R9 X or GeForce GTX 980 Ti.

Source : http://gamegpu.com/action-/-fps-/-tps/watch-dogs-2-test-gpu

DIZNX 25.11.19

Gtx 660
Operative 8GB
Intel core ay 3
Go ?

Nikolay Ololay 25.11.19

Two ovens 1080, don't complain. And Dishonored 2 complained. Don't enable MSAA, use temporal SMAA, the rest can be put on ultracet and you will be happy

H434P 25.11.19

Just terrible optimization, on the ultra, without antialiasing sags up to 25 fps, the config in the profile.
Without smoothing to all the reflections covered some points. We are waiting for patches, game, sort of like a normal story, the gameplay delivered, clearly better than in the first part, but that kind of drawdown until unplayable

Sergio212am 25.11.19

If you can't optimize and not comfortable to play on FullHD with GTX1080, why would be the point?

SPR1GGAN 25.11.19

Nicholas Ololi
fork out a hundred money purely on a video card and not be able to play on the mega ultra ,it's fun ,what's Goritsa ,if there is no difference ,why pay more th

Nikolay Ololay 25.11.19

You know how when burns can't top vidhah-to-use app with 60 fps? He now increasingly realize they made a mistake with this purchase

SPR1GGAN 25.11.19

Nicholas Ololi
last post was written with regret and surprise, and once the races are convinced that it makes no sense to take the top iron ,the speed of obsolescence is the same as pratapa ,but the price in 2 times above .
Each both races thinking of doing sly from 1080 ,I'll write him so as not to suffer garbage)

highSKiLLED 25.11.19

All settings on max except: shadows - very high; antialiasing - SMAA are ultra textures, FullHD, fps drops below 50 sooooo rare,and below 40 - General not yet. In the first W_D even a small drawdown I felt a nasty twitch, then it all relatively smoothly. Anyways, pleasantly surprised. And perhaps palchiki will bring some more performance.
i5 4570 gtx 1060

Snite_Poerti 25.11.19

If the optimization level is 1 part, that I was quite satisfied.

black335b 25.11.19

much easier on sconce then play

Nikita237 25.11.19


Chernyy perec 25.11.19

NIFIGA not worse in the second part optimize delivered even in the old car started without a problem at medium-high with 35-50 fps on full hd car phenom || x4 965 bl and amd asus r7 265 c factory overclocked + ddr 3 RAM to 8 gigs ) and generally I in shock from such optimizations even in the syndicate optimize worse )

kc5 25.11.19

For the top maps optimization has improved from the first part. On gtx 980 stable 60fps at max 1080p. For 750ti has not been touched.

Dima Moonlight 25.11.19

i5 3470, GTX 1060 6gb, 16 gb of RAM. All settings high, antialiasing set to 2x TXAA. Turn off the fog of San Francisco. In the end, an average of 40 fps, for me, comfortable, but expect to be still more, about 50. Without TXAA fps of course increases somewhere in the 15-20 shots, but for me personally, these ladders are annoying little so and set it up.

Dinar2525 25.11.19

And I have gtx 970,i5 3470,16 gb operatives. Brakes while riding as much as the minimum salary...What to do?

Streeting 25.11.19

2600к though old, but quite powerful, The Division loads on average 50% at high settings, well, just generally better of course MSI Afterburner is all a matter of test and we will see that the game emphasizes

Dmitry Osipov 25.11.19

gtx 980 strix oc + i74770k (not driven) + 16gb of RAM on what settings you can play with stable 60 fps? and whether to swing ultra textures