Unable to connect to session (Forza Horizon 4)
Since the purchase I just meet the problem on the problem. Who have long to decide. And finally, when he thought to play with a friend, the game just doesn't want to connect to horizon life.You just don't understand how to play online
If you are a happy owner of Windows 10 x64 1809. Then there is a problem with Toredo. Which sovpadaet with Your. If you do not help the Restore the defaults firewall. There's only one option otkatilsya on the version of WIndows 10 x64 1803.
I've already done has not helped, even after Forza he made and the exact same problem.
I helped only reinstallation of Windows 10. Since I managed to get the update 1809. But if you have 1803. Then the reason is buried much deeper. I had exactly the same symptoms as you. I sinned on the update. Tried a bunch of methods. Nothing helped. The problem is that the firewall itself is blocking the packets through toredo. Why is it so can't answer. I think Mikey do not know :).Try something but reinstallation of 100% will help check for yourself.
well, no sense in doing a complete reinstallation can't see, try using creation tools now to upgrade to 1809, it needs all these things posuti correctly reinstalled, but we'll see whether there will be a problem or not
that's just what to do do not understand, Windows has reinstalled still the problem exists. That in 1803, that in 1809
I have no idea what to do now. If you completely reinstall, it will fly accordingly a bunch of saves and all profile settings, and maybe Forza will have to re-download. As I understand from forums I once drove ccleaner, and it is something important removes. No t-shirts simple to make anything better they brains soar.
Egor Zabrodin wrote:
Windows has reinstalled still the problem exists.
Egor Zabrodin wrote:
If you completely reinstall, it will fly accordingly a bunch of saves and all profile settings
the question of how you then re-installed?
Egor Zabrodin wrote:
As I understand from forums I once drove ccleaner
nonsense, he often used them
Egor Zabrodin wrote:
No t-shirts simple to make anything better they brains soar.
and then Mikey will foul up their computers with a bunch of garbage, and then blame the developers, a stroke of genius
nays garbage, why, then, games and documents to store, it's garbage of course.
And no to little adequate to give advice, write nonsense. And maybe even not faced with such a problem.
And I reinstalled it, just negativ with the stick over the old one, and of course putting the old user.
Me well now discs format due to the fact that jerseys can not adequately their services to do? And why all the games work perfectly, but games from ms store needs a lot of permissions, be sure the firewall is enabled and so just to go online.
Egor Zabrodin wrote:
but games from ms store needs a lot of permissions, be sure the firewall is enabled and so on, just to log in online
lol, always turn off brennauer and windows defender, windows license, driver and a couple of basic programs and never experienced and not experienced no problems with MS games from other platforms!
I can understand in the release of the Forza users had troubles, but were all and each, but long ago released and fix such problems as you have units left, so maybe the problem is with you, and not Mike?!
is it just me? It shows you exactly in the game from Mike did not play. Or maybe you profanity is no firewall in Forza or say SIA of SIPS play? On my part? On pure Windows? Well, Yes, Yes. This is especially apparently refers to the pile of posts on the forums, where everything is either dismissive, that's your problem, and on the Microsoft forum... Or the forum forzy throw, where the answer is also no.
Yes, always troubles with games from Mike. :) Those who have not played do not know. :) And by the way, without a built-in firewall will not work toredo tunnel, through which runs the network mode in the games from Mike. If you polde clean install does not work then you have for the router is not enabled forwarding of VPN protocols (IPSec Passthrough:) he is responsible for toredo tunnel.
there even cooler precol were now losing 0-4% range, but the game doesn't run, though I downloaded it again...
I bought a long time ago, and to play well still can't. All day killed for this forzy, rearranged Windows, from disk to disk 800GB of information copied, re-65гб rocked and sense something... Just crashes at this moment.
Now when the overlay was left in rtss, but there it was grey at first and only after flying. And now even more fun. By the way I am this game 4 times already pumped, 5th time already at all no desire.
continue to keep in the know about prikolov.
The app is just somehow magically established, but MS store is not fixed, eventually it would not start, but again the download does not work. 30 minutes soared, eventually had a store reset, and only then turned to start downloading it.
Just funny that I say that the problem is not from Microsoft and I have.