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Simeon-1 28.11.19 01:18 pm

Assistance in the creation of mods (The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth 2)

the theme of the tutorials on modding the ini coding texturing modeling and everything else GU:) you can post your tutorials here, and what you would like here to see the tutorials????
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mcpaul 28.11.19

Che, I understand I was blunt. amandil explain better. go to data\ini\object\goodfaction\units\men\frodo.ini continue to find the parameters of Engineering and che now? error in hamdata occurs roughly as follows: the type of the file cannot be found , or that it doesn't exist. for example RohanFrodo not batrachit! GondorWhiteTower too! and vaabsche this is what I saw: in the folder data\ini\object\...\structures\ for example in the file firing people is a recipe GondorArcheryRange, and in commandset.ini is already set on Gondor and Men (MenArcheryRange)! explain pozhalusta. and write as much as possible to do so in order to insert these Gondor... Rohan...

Simeon-1 28.11.19

wait amandil I tozh interested in how to make the corpses disappear from the battlefield!

[V_M]_AmonRa 28.11.19

do you want to do that if all they are inundated with it?
Exactly =)!

Antipolizai 28.11.19

And the system will withstand such a load ? =)

Simeon-1 28.11.19

stand I've seen this mod!

Antipolizai 28.11.19

Well then I'm IN. That estimate, the crowd of corpses, the fragments of the defeated guns... and next valyaetsya 4 dead, Galadriel ! =)

Amandil 28.11.19

Simeon,what is this mod,what did you see?Give me a link or something to the thread.I'll look at it and make it better!

You will be dozens of corpses Gal and Sapronov! =)

Theodred 28.11.19

I'm in. By the way guys, I put in Frodo, but to restore it in the citadel, not after death! Tell me! And can somebody send me inik Frodo on a soap? The world's not without kind people! And again, how new abilities to the heroes of the insert? Only don't send me to the third age. Tell amp! and then I can't figure out how to put HIV on the horse!

Bocyak 28.11.19

So here's a question to make a new spell (eg. fireball) in any file it is necessary to climb. Want to make a green fireball like Saruman (as in amadil include'and in fashion), prescribed same as Saruman in weapons.ini fxlist.ini fxparticlesystem.ini, specialpower.ini evilfactionssubobjects.ini, just changed the color in fxparticlesystem.ini, but it is unclear how to do that in the game(I know that it is necessary to prescribe CommandButton and commandset, but there are in fact links to go to specialpower.ini, and then what are they doing?)

Amandil 28.11.19

2 Aragorn Elessar: and can't,for HIV there is no model where he is on a horse art current you did not do or ask anyone.

Now as for Frodo:

in inike Frodo find the following lines:

//These two modules are used for the respawning of the Hero. Uncomment if they are moved back into a sides hero list.
; Body = RespawnBody ModuleTag_RespawnBody
; MaxHealth = FRODO_HEALTH ;BALANCE Merry Health
; PermanentlyKilledByFilter = NONE ;Who kills me permanently?
; DodgePercent = 80%
; End
; Behavior = RespawnUpdate ModuleTag_RespawnUpdate
; DeathAnim = DYING ;Model condition to play when killed-to-respawn
; DeathFX = FX_FrodoDieToRespawn ;FXList to play when killed-to-respawn
; DeathAnimationTime = 3000 ;How long DeathAnim will take.
; InitialSpawnFX = FX_FrodoInitialSpawn
; RespawnAnim = LEVELED ;Animation to play when respawning.
; RespawnFX = FX_FrodoRespawn ;FXList to play when respawning.
; RespawnAnimationTime = 2000 ;Time it takes for respawn to play.
; AutoRespawnAtObjectFilter = NONE +CASTLE_KEEP ;Respawn at this location -- and at it's exit production point if possible.
; ButtonImage = HIFrodo_res
; ;RespawnEntries determine the ruleset for how a character can be revived. Some units may automatically respawn, others
; ;may require a specific revive action performed on him. You can specify different values for each level... or use Level:Any
; RespawnRules = AutoSpawn:No Cost:100 Time:10000 Health:100% ;DEFAULT VALUES
; RespawnEntry = Level:2 Cost:150 Time:20000 ;For other levels, only override what is different.
; RespawnEntry = Level:3 Cost:200 Time:30000
; RespawnEntry = Level:4 Cost:250 Time:40000
; RespawnEntry = Level:5 Cost:300 Time:50000
; RespawnEntry = Level:6 Cost:350 Time:60000
; RespawnEntry = Level:7 Cost:400 Time:70000
; RespawnEntry = Level:8 Cost:450 Time:80000
; RespawnEntry = Level:9 Cost:500 Time:90000
; RespawnEntry = Level:10 Cost:550 Time:100000
; End

Now just put the icons ; on the left front of each row.

Tramp,knock in Asya,and then hit the forum,not read the characters.

Theodred 28.11.19

Amadil, thank you!
I can't play the mod! He writes me that the incorrect Tranguility like the sound of the Arrow Revenge! Help!

Amandil 28.11.19

you mean which mod?

L1ghtOne 28.11.19

Hi all! Can anyone tell Aragorn how to change the color of the sword with the usual blue

Theodred 28.11.19

FELLOWSHIP which v2.

Theodred 28.11.19

I ordered right Commandset, Commandbutton, Fellbeast. ini(like the WitchKing, like you said), I run the game and I when click on fellbeast instead of palantir and abilities it absolutely black palantir(like nechi not selected) abilities identity is not what to do this time? and by the way, how else to change the flow of resources?(for example you changed their ward in their Multi fashion half.

L1ghtOne 28.11.19

With the resources I can help you open up gamedata find there lines
And change the values, like, everything.

Theodred 28.11.19

Thank You Mitrandil! How to change the speed of construction of buildings?

Michell 28.11.19

also the same place look for the line buildspeed change indicator

Theodred 28.11.19

Thank you everybody, soon I will finish howl mod is a mod of Amandil, I adapted it a little for themselves, but there are new cards, hobbits, changed the speed and Saruman with Elrond for 6 abilities besides thou succeed, then the Nazgul will sit on a horse and Draco and his two stand!!! Who wants to help - write to Asya!

L1ghtOne 28.11.19

Aragorn Kady gonna be ACE