When you start nothing happens (Assassin's Creed: Origins)
At startup nothing happens... How to solve the problem? Use of the emulator does not work, emulator SSE mean, because the game won't even start...License or Repack? If the license, close all play centres (steam, u-play, or what have you got there yet), cleanse memory using the utility and try again. Or you can still verify the integrity of game cache via game center.
If the Repack, then to communicate and download new.
What's your system? What do you play? At least tell us. On The PlayStation 2?
Play and AVX instructions he uses, I percent in this game after the menu switches to a frequency which is exposed for AVX i.e. it made a small off set (though now removed this difference in frequency)
The second VSM Odiseya? Yes AVX is also 4.4.2 And the patch removed! And new Hemp 4400 and 5400 not Hawali game))