Best Russian TV series
Just after reading one topic, I came across the idea to conduct a survey on this topic. And what Patriotic series you like best? IMHO, SOLDIERS.PS: not an ACCORDION???
All the good TV shows are foreign.
But we can watch and laugh at Bukin and University.
Of course, to answer the topic 4-year-old is not good, but because it is still raised to me, I will Express my opinion. Of all the Russian TV series for last 10 years is good - very little. Firstly, it is, of course, the Gangster Petersburg, and last but not least thanks to the excellent music (one time it even sold on cassette along with other tracks). Secondly, it is DMR, the series is quite specific sense of humor, but compared to other stuff on military issues is like a light in the darkness. Thirdly, it is Border. Taiga romance look that is, at least for the great games A. G. Guskov. Fourth, it's Soldiers is a series of stars in the sky, of course, is not enough, but the first two seasons are quite capable to give pleasure, mainly thanks to the heroes Maklakova A. K. and R. S. Maganova.
Alas, most of today's sitcoms are funny sitcoms, unicellular fighters and endless Santa Barbara our bottling. Hope for something almost human there.
in schA..just like old times: glukharka'll look at it tonight,and he and Chas Volkova arrives ))
Best Russian TV series? - Хахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахаха
хахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахахаха. xD
Russian TV series?
It's not even funny...
Despise a dull corner which is removed, especially when they took a break on a foreign show.
No brains no imagination.
Try not to watch TV.
Gangster Petersburg (at that time it was a great show, recently saw one episode and was shocked at how before watching this)
Despise a dull corner which is removed, especially when they took a break on a foreign TV series
On the first series shown removed for house))) Even the movie kind of had something similar.
Truckers,grouse,soldiers,University,gang,Gangster Petersburg,interns can still be viewed.
Interns,Univer,Capercaillie,boys,Brigade,Payback,Sniper and so on.Have a lot of good TV series
1 - a team is best off in Russia for 20 years
2 - capercaillie wonderful series, only the ending is very crazy.
3 - not yet
Vladislav ROS, you definitely should appeal to Gangster Petersburg.
What? A really cool series.