Virtual Speditor (Euro Truck Simulator 2)
if anyone has the transfer of goods bad for Russian in Virtual Speditor skinte pleaseHere, I think many helped)
Translation of the trailers and their tonnage;
acetylene = Acetylene = 12 tons
acid = Acid = 20 tons
air_mails = Airmail = 10 tons
aircft_tires = Tyres for aircraft = 12 tons
aircond = air Conditioning = 11 tons
almond = Almond = 17 tons
ammunition = Military equipment = 22 tons
apples = Apples = 20 tons
apples_c = Apples(container) = 15 tons
aromatics = Hydrocarbons = 20 tons
arsenic = Arsenic = 23 tons
asph_miller(h) = Milling machine WRITIGEN 808 = 44 tons
atl_cod_flt = Atlantic cod Filet = 16 tons
barley = Barley = 17 tons
basil = Basil = 24 tons
backfl_prev = check valves = 16 tons
beans = Beans = 12 tons
beef_meat = Beef = 21 ton
beverages = Drinks = 23 tons
beverages_c = Drink(container) = 17 tons
big_bag_seed = Grain in big bags = 19 tons
boric_acid = Boric acid = 16 tons
bottle_water = Bottled water = 24 tons
brake_fluid = Brake fluid = 6 tons
bricks = Bricks = 23 tons
cable_reel(h) = coil Cable = 34 tons
canned_beans = beans = 16 tons
can_sardines = Canned sardines
canned_beef = beef Stew = 15 tons
canned_pork = pulled pork = 22 tons
canned_tuna = Canned tuna = 7 tons
car_it = Italian cars
carb_water = Carbonated water = 24 tons
carbn_pwdr_c = carbon powder
carrots = Carrots = 16 tons
carrots_c = Carrot(container) = 14 tons
cars_fr = Vehicles = 9 tons
cauliflower = Cauliflower = 9 tons
caviar = ROE = 14 tons
cement = Cement = 22 tons
cheese = Cheese = 18 tons
chem_sorb_c = Chemical sorbents = 3 tons
chem_sorbent = Chemical sorbents = 11 tons
chemicals = Chemicals = 19 tons
chewing_gums = Chewing gum = 23 tons
chicken_meat = Chicken = 17 tons
chimney_syst = Chimney = 18 tons
chlorine = Chlorine = 21 ton
chocolate = Chocolate = 24 tons
clothes = Clothing = 18 tons
clothes_c = Clothing(container) = 24 ton
coal = Coal = 14 tons
coconut_milk =Coconut milk = 24 tons
coconut_oil = Coconut oil = 9 tons
comp_process = Computer processors = 3 tons
concen_juice = Concentrated juices = 24 tons
concr_beams(h) = Concrete slab = 51 ton
cont_trees = Trees in containers = 4 tons
contamin = Affected raw material = 16 tons
copp_rf_gutt = Copper gutter system = 8 tons
corks = Tube = 5 tons
cott_cheese = Cheese = 18 tons
cut_flowers = Cut flower = 1 ton
cyanide = Cyanide = 18 tons
desinfection = the plant = 16 tons
diesel = Diesel fuel = 25 tons
diesel_gen = Diesel generators = 8 tons
digger1000 = Tractor Digger 1000 = 15 tons
digger500 = Tractor Digger 500 = 8 tons
diggers = Tractors = 23 tons
dozer(h) = Bulldozer Z35K = 39 tons
driller = Driller D-50 = 8 tons
dryers = hair-Dryers = 13 tons
drymilk = milk = 18 tons
dynamite = Dynamite = 20 tons
elect_wiring = Wiring = 15 tons
electronics = electronics = 8 tons
emp_wine_bot = bottle of Wine = 11 tons
empty_barr = Empty barrels = 9 tons
empty_palet = Empty pallets = 22 tons
emptytank = Tank = 11 tons
emp_wine_bar = Wine barrel = 7 tons
ethane = ethane = 24 tons
excav_soil = Excavated soil = 23 tons
excavator = Excavator = 24 tons
exhausts_c = exhaust system = 9 tons
explosives = Explosives = 14 tons
fertilizer = Fertilizer = 20 tons
fireworks = Fireworks = 11 tons
fish_chips = Fish sticks = 17 tons
floorpanels = Concrete slab = 23 tons
flour = Flour = 20 tons
fluorine = Fluoride = 18 tons
food = packaged food = 24 tons
forklifts = Trucks = 11 tons
fresh_fish = Fresh fish = 18 tons
froz_octopi = frozen octopus
frozen_food = Frozen = 24 tons
frozen_fruit = Frozen fruit = 20 tons
frozen_hake = Frozen hake = 17 tons
frozen_veget = Frozen = 22 tons
frsh_herbs = fresh greens
fruits = Fruits = 24 tons
fuel_oil = Oil = 19 tons
fuel_tanks = Fuel tanks = 10 tons
fueltanker = Fuel tank = 12 tons
furniture = Furniture = 16 tons
garlic = Garlic = 12 tons
glass = glass Sheet = 21 ton
glass_packed = Packed glass = 22 tons
goat_cheese = Goat cheese = 15 tons
granite_cube = Granite blocks = 23 tons
grapes = Grapes = 14 tons
graph_grease = Graphite lubricant = 16 tons
grass_rolls = turf = 15 tons
gravel = Gravel = 16 tons
guard_rails = Road fence = 22 tons
gummy_bears = Marmalade = 21 ton
harvest_bins = Containers yield = 2 tons
hchemicals = Hot chemicals = 20 tons
helicopter = Helicopter = 3 tons
hi_volt_cabl = high voltage Cables = 21 ton
hipresstank = Tanks = 12 tons
honey = Honey = 20 tons
hmetal = Heavy metals = 25 tons
hwaste = Medical waste = 17 tons
hydrochlor = Hydrochloric acid = 22 tons
hydrogen = Hydrogen = 4 tons
ibc_cont = Containers Evrokub = 11 tons
icecream = ice cream = 14 tons
iced_coffee = Cold coffee in cans = 21 ton
iron_pipes = Iron pipe = 18 tons
iveco_vans = vehicles Iveco
kerosene = Kerosene = 18 tons
ketchup = Ketchup = 15 tons
lamb_stom = Packed Haggis = 13 tons
largetubes = Big pipe = 22 tons
lavender = Lavender = 8 tons
lead = Lead = 23 tons
limonades = Lemonade = 24 tons
live_catt_fr = Live cattle = 14 tons
live_cattle = Live cattle = 14 tons
liver_paste = Canned pate = 9 tons
locomotive(h) = locomotive Bossloc = 61 ton
logs = Logs = 22 tons
lpg = LPG = 21 tons = LPG is the abbreviation of Liquified Petroleum Gas in the English language that refers to liquefied petroleum gas (propane and butane). People liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is usually cut in and say: propane
lumber = Lumber = 21 ton
magnesium = Magnesium = 22 tons
maple_syrup = Maple syrup = 17 tons
marb_blck = Marble blocks
marb_slab = Marble slab
mason_jars = jars = 7 tons
med_equip = Medical equipment = 5 tons
med_vaccine = Medical vaccine = 5 tons
mercuric = mercuric Chloride = 18 tons
metal_cans = Tin containers = 4 tons
metal_center(h) = Metal segment = 28 tons
metal_pipes = Metal pipe
milk = Milk = 14 tons
mobile_crane(h) = Rex crane-Tex-45 = 55 tons
mondeos = Vehicles = 7 tons
moto_tires = Moto-tyres
motor_oil = Motor oil = 18 tons
motor_oil_c = Engine oil(container) = 18 tons
motorcycles = Motorcycles
mozzarela = Mozzarella
mtl_coil = Reel MTL
natur_rubber = Natural rubber = 21 ton
neon = Neon = 12 tons
nitrocel = Nitrocellulose = 17 tons
nitrogen = Nitrogen = 9 tons
nonalco_beer = non-Alcoholic beer = 22 tons
nuts = Nuts = 18 tons
nylon_cord = Nylon cord = 23 tons
oil = Oil = 19 tons
oil_filt_c = Fuel filters (container) = 12 tons
oil_filters = Fuel filter = 12 tons
olive_oil = Olive oil
olives = Olive = 18 tons
Onion = 17 tons
oranges = Oranges = 20 tons
ore = Ore = 18 tons
outdr_flr_tl = Paving stone = 20 tons
overweight = Low loaders = 11 tons
packag_food = Packed products = 17 tons
paper = Office paper = 18 tons
pasta = Pasta
pears = Pears = 15 tons
peas = Peas = 18 tons
perfor_frks = Motorcycle fork = 17 tons
pesticide = Pesticide = 18 tons
pesto = Pesto
pet_food = animal = 20 tons
pet_food_c = animal (container) = 20 tons
petrol = Gasoline = 21 ton
phosphor = White phosphorus = 13 tons
pipes = Iron pipe = 18 tons
plant_substr = Organic substrates = 18 tons
plast_film = Packing film = 17 tons
plast_film_c = Packaging film (container) = 17 tons
plastic_gra = Plastic granules = 19 tons
plumb_suppl = Plumbing products = 18 tons
plums = Plums = 16 tons
pnut_butter = Peanut butter = 19
polyst_box = Polystyrene products = 3 tons
pork_meat = Pork = 18 tons
post_packag = Mail = 11 tons
pot_flowers = flowers = 3 tons
potahydro = potassium Hydroxide = 20 tons
potassium = Potassium = 20 tons
potatoes = Potatoes = 21 ton
precast_strs = Concrete stairs = 22 tons
princess = the Boat = 9 tons
protec_cloth = Protective clothing = 20 tons
pumps = Pumps = 14 tons
refl_posts = Reflective posts = 12 tons
radiators = Radiators = 20 tons
rice = Rice = 22 tons
rice_c = Figure(container) = 21 ton
roller = Roller-DYNA CC-2200 = 8 tons
roof_tiles = Tile = 20 tons
roofing_felt = Roofing = 18 tons
rooflights = skylights = 5 tons
rye = Rye = 17 tons
salm_fillet = salmon = 14 tons
salt_spices_c = Salt and spices(container) = 16 tons
salt_spices = Salt and pepper = 16 tons
sand = Sand = 16 tons
sandwch_pnls = Sandwich panels = 12 tons
sausages = Sausage = 17 tons
sawpanels = CPD = 21 ton
scaffoldings = scaffolding = 22 tons
scania_tr = Trucks-Scania = 14 tons
scooters = Scooters
scrap_metals = Scrap = 15 tons
seal_bearing = Seal bearings
sheep_wool = wool = 12 tons
shock_absorb = shock Absorbers = 16 tons
silica = silicon Dioxide = 18 tons
smokd_eel = eel = 11 tons
smokd_sprats = Sprat = 17 tons
sodchlor = sodium Hypochlorite = 19 tons
sodhydro = sodium Hydroxide = 19 tons
sodium = Sodium = 19 tons
soy_milk = Soy milk = 21 ton
sq_tub = the Square tube = 25 tons
steel_cord = Cord = 21 ton
spher_valves = Ball valves = 22 tons
stone_dust = Mineral powder = 17 tons
stone_wool = Stone wool = 5 tons
stones = Stones = 20 tons
straw_bales = straw Bales = 15 tons
sugar = Sugar = 22 tons
sulfuric = Sulfuric acid = 21 ton
tableware = Crockery = 16 tons
tomatoes = Tomatoes = 18 tons
toys = Toy = 9 tons
tracks = Caterpillar = 11 tons
tractor = Tractor RS-666 = 13 tons
tractors = Tractors = 11 tons
transformat(h) = Transformer РК900 = 47 tons
transmis = transmission = 14 tons
truck_batt_c = Truck batteries(container) = 18 tons
truck_rims = Truck drives = 12 tons
truck_rims_c = Cargo disks(container) = 12 tons
truck_tyres = Truck tyres = 13 tons
tube = pipe = 24 tons
tyres = Tires = 16 tons
used_battery = Spent batteries = 17 tons
used_packag = Cardboard container = 20 tons
used_plast = Plastic containers = 9 tons
used_plast_c = Plastic containers(container) = 9 tons
vent_tube = the Vent's = 4 tons
vinegar = Vinegar = 15 tons
vinegar_c = Vinegar(container) = 15 tons
volvo_cars = Prestige SUV = 10 tons
volvo_tr = Volvo = 14 tons
wallpanels = Wall panels = 22 tones
watermelons = Watermelon = 20 tons
wheat = Wheat = 17 tons
windml_eng = nacelle of the wind turbine = 21 ton
windml_tube = Tower of the wind turbine = 19 tons
wood_bark = bark = 15 tons
wooden_beams = Wooden beams = 22 tons
wshavings = Wood chips = 14 tons
yacht = Yacht = 6 tons
yogurt = Yogurt = 17 tons
young_seed = Seedlings = 3 tons