Console (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)
People! how to enable the console in this game??? have tried EnableCheats=1 ... no help... Help!!!TreTreTre
Ban? And for what? The game has no multiplayer, cheaters not to disturb anyone also. Che you have a scratched Honduras? Sit yourself quietly. And YAP at those who want to play with cheats))
Why I did wrote EnableCheats=1 after the [Game Options] go to the game press tild and nothing appears and when I drive code to press hotkeys???????????
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cool)) I have played it at 27 , now 39. Cheats, somehow put on the 1st part. But with the 2nd and did not work. I read here , it is interesting to me. Forgot about these games, but sometimes you want to play of course.
in the second part of the console line is not displayed. have to drive blindly.
but the overall method is the same.
so. the Council after 12 years)
To OPEN the CONSOLE IN KOTOR 2 on a MAC Just double click on the ` or ] there is no difference!!!!!!!! EVERYTHING WILL WORK 100%
So...8 years ago played on 7ke, did all the instructions and everything worked. NAV 10ke did the same thing, no console
What makes you think that everyone needs to open consol for cheats? Maybe someone Ah mods.
Dmitry Kar
Guys, if someone's console does not turn on even after all the actions, we do the following. Open the users or users folder on my computer, then go to appdata / local / virtualstore / program files (x86) / lucasarts / swkotor (it can also be called differently, for example, star wars knights of the old republic). Open swkotor.ini and write EnableCheats = 1 and EnableConsole = 1, and everything will work
On Windows 10, it also worked out at last. EnableCheats = 1 under GamesOptions, as usual, enter. Then I saved the folder on the desktop (since it is not saved here yet). Moved it to the Override folder, replacing it with the folder from the desktop. Then he entered Skwotor again. ini and deleting the previous EnableCheats = 1, printed again and saved the file as usual. I switched to the English tab before turning on the game and everything went. Maybe it was just a matter of switching the language, but before when I switched it still there was nothing ... So, for the future. Maybe to myself when I forget).