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Navali_volume 12.12.19 04:19 am

I'll do som (Diablo 2)

I was probably ten years old playing on this server with pereryvami sometimes in a couple of years) and all this together high what happened to me is pleasant drop Jaha and one perf Mara, 7 years ago, and the couple veksav pair OC, I have a feeling that I will grow old and die, but to wear the Enigma hamero and infec gauke and can not)
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Shaka_podorojala 12.12.19

another whiny sikoska decided to complain wigs can't wigs or not, and Enigma and infec escho

th you stupid or you gotta be the hundredth time to repeat: I want the result *nil work. wigs the burden is not easy, it's like a second job and the need to find his pleasure. if you're a piece and can't collect the will and patience to train, not to flaunt you in top ronford

you have alternatives: you can start anyone caress chocolate eyes and then kidanut on the ked, can someone mom prisosalsya and pull their resources, and can barazite and Shoe Rubtsov trivia

it's all questionable venture, and to fulfill them is not easy, and you have to be smart. but paravozov will cost still faster. can't propositi - don't let then drool.

this PG system wigs made quite a fair: who works and ranki is. she of course had to be slaughtered in the last 2 seasons, and for this reason (she is home) I'm on the server will not return, but that didn't stop me in this season to break the 1000 mules, nasmeshnitsa over current balance of sundrop and draw conclusions

jibicbiu 12.12.19

I agree with the author in his first post. Drop terribly sad. Drop runes. It was created by a lot on this subject. Where to farm, when and by whom. I myself have created. The response from all the smart people makes no sense to hope for sundrop on PG. He offitsial not. And then quite daring. Armor after all somehow falling.
And here begins the economy. Know someone who doesn't drive wigs m not farming runes. And well-dressed and these runes has a lot. So about the economy. Runeword is very good, but it is necessary, because unique and hip rark and competent magic circlet somewhere to take(I vex for a simple sold). So that's where the economy works: those who drag wigs buy for runes stuff from MF-schnick, those runes appear and so on and so forth. Heck I like fainaru for example 4 shako, or 3 shafts, conventionally, I will sell them and will get the coveted runes. And drive magicfind, it's like a casino, roulette. You run over and over again. And kind of tired, but it's interesting, well, suddenly now. All classic MF works well.
And support the author of this post, because it really work. Wigs it is making. That's not fall I Gaylord. Everything was falling, and Gaylord no. Hold the wig - earned Amul or any other rags. I myself am not a fan of wigs and held them nothing at all compared to assami, who leads 7na7 a few pieces a day.
At times less drive, because that really is crazy. And because mules still drops constantly. In General wigs - work. Want to dress - VOD wigs. Want to dress in top Oh¥..Wai, but to carry lots of wigs and vari runes. Ber - 32 hum. Hum - the average wig. Sometimes less. 32 wig is not easy even for professionals periculoasa. Infinity - 2 ber, 64 of the wig. But actually earned consider. Is it fair or not? More likely than not.
I would like an increased drop from mobs? Of course Yes! Because you just want to play without the wigs and MF)) sounds weird, I agree))

Navali_volume 12.12.19

Are you saying that stopped playing here because for you the only possible way of mining rune's wigs, and as they cut to play more you nenameren? Ie you consider yourself a fan or even more than a lover to play Diablo, but in your understanding of the game in Diablo is pulling the wigs? You yourself wrote that this work, turns out you stopped this job to pay what you want and you quit? I'm not complaining like, it's more a statement of fact, sometimes you know want to share my thoughts with others, but not to make friends which is about the D2 had not even heard of so I decided to write about it here, you have to be nice to people)

Eleganza 12.12.19

Navali_volume wrote:
you have to be nice to people
Navali_volume wrote:
I would be happy if the wig was removed altogether, that there was a server like me, lazy and needy
Not defending wigs, but you are not terribly satisfied that you have something there. But if others are taken away, you'll be happy though for you nothing will change. More precisely, will change that now you and shako don't get in the pool to sell. That is, will be worse. But you'll be happier. Interesting. For me personally for a season, fell out of runes Dol, Hel, and the pool (and the year). But it's the usual story for 1.12.

Navali_volume 12.12.19

For this entire season I haven't sold anything, because nothing fell, except that kasety))) all changed either gear for gear or PG, and trade the situation is, if you want to buy the armor it is about ist, n if you want to sell the armor, it is about small, and these particulady themselves shaku knock while HF will break.
So here I am a man, even if everything in life is richer than I am who will be as secured as I will not be anyone richer, I become a smidgen happier, don't you?

Obsessed 12.12.19

Drop terribly sad
jibicbiu, you know about such a direction in art as Noir or black? there are Goths, there are nonconformists - there are plenty of Varick, when the subculture is at odds with the positive. in other words, all rushing to have fun. what if the server is PG rulitsya it is with an eye on it? ;-)

Obsessed 12.12.19

For this entire season I haven't sold anything, because nothing was falling
Navali_volume, Change the game, th.

jibicbiu 12.12.19

Whoa... I even don't...
To get.
Then the decay and despondency - the slogan of the server))

QverRating 12.12.19

Do good deeds, help (real) beginners, and you will drop ^_^

Navali_volume 12.12.19

Better yet, I will advise people what to do in the game that have not played myself, on the server which I don't like)

Shaka_podorojala 12.12.19

well, how to say, in General, Yes. I used to have over a reasonable time to coach yourself chest cahow and play any Persians in any way as you like. except that was not enough rare any chotko

it is not necessary to conduct for me a free psychoanalysis and to understand what goals I have in the game. locomotives are not the only way of mining rune, but practice shows that it is the most effective

p.s. in General, I would here something else that is said is spicy, but some friends will not understand me and will be offended, will stop the Exodus ship to the seasons :-) well, there is in short the meaning is: there are those who extract oil pump in the cold every day, and there are those who sell it and get money

NoneOne2010 12.12.19

For example, I loved to drive the wigs, while the admin didn't break it. Yes, you can say I've played that would carry wigs. I don't understand why such a negative attitude to this process?

qPash 12.12.19

I play just for wigs. Admin fix the wigs!!!

CorvinOk 12.12.19

Shaka_podorojala >>> the steam locomotives are not the only way of mining rune
Well , you wrote more of Kidalovo specialist . Current NN this standards kids to learn

Sweety_Mustard 12.12.19

CorvinOk wrote:
by Kidalovo specialist . Current NN this standards kids to learn
Why NN - holding the drop at the precellular level, the administrator himself encourages Scam. And since the admin is promoting something that we - mere mortals can do about it :D

Shaka_podorojala 12.12.19

I'm innocent

ixdon 12.12.19

As much as the pool in an hour it is possible to earn a Scam? I heard that Scam somewhere one and a half times cheaper than wigs.

Throw off the link to the guide please

Kapriska 12.12.19

Welded Ifni from all that happened, and now again 2 Lo+ in about two weeks come from somewhere.. I very rarely drag wigs (3 months ~5паровозов) , lazy farmleigh 2-3 hours in a day or two, haggling, Yes. yesterday OpenJPA still OC fell.. God what I should do. ?! I won't so much rune! I want to suffer, it's PG.

minovalo 12.12.19

RIPN all and start to suffer again.

Sweety_Mustard 12.12.19

What's the problem digest the fretboard there a couple of times or Fort voila, 2 lo as usual.