Test Celebrimbor Indret elven dobrodetel (Middle-earth: Shadow of War)
The people in Lechlade in the memories of Celebrimbor mission for hidden murders is one additional requirement: kill 4 urokov one attack using ghostly chains(and so should you threetimes)? How to do it correctly? The problem is that Celebrimbor could a single attack kill the hidden 3 Orucov : 1st sobstvennoruchno and the other two his spirit, how quickly to kill the fourth as he quickly turns around and discovers you?
Firstly you need skill Phantom Circuit with the improvement to the first murder this skill do not spend focus. If the concentration is not enough for 4 of Uruk , it is necessary to pump the ring. As I recall the concentration depends on the level of the ring.
Cheburek_5 Can supply a ring that restores concentration?And by the way, even with cheat(infinite focus) to the infinite focus he still does 3 hits.Celebrimbor only one set Bright Lord three clothes restore concentration,bow,ring and something else
There is written Kill 4 urokov one attack with the use of the phantom circuit 0/3. Maybe it's a bug.
It's not a bug I use it all the same.It is necessary to projapati gir Celebrimbor that he was level 60 all the parts of the gear,and then it will do 4 kills at a time.Without all upgradem his clothes, the job you do.T.e in total I have to kill 12 urokov for 4 at a time.They go there just the convoy.And the captain instantly to execute his fatal vulnerability to death.
Tell me how this mission is covertly killing the penalty the captain? He notices me as soon as I make the penalty and the 1 penalty is not killed. But Any other shot from the mission ends.
tell someone else how to yokosite captain,starts the execution but does not kill him gg there really health remains the captain and then says that the mission failed,the reason you noticed the duck how to complete this quest help
necropost of course but suddenly someone will help. I tried a dozen times but didn’t work, then I closed the mission and started anew and hoba, the captain changed. there must be an ologue with a fatal vulnerability to execution.
The task is to execute the commander and go unnoticed. Commander's ability "Unable to Execute Stealthily"... Are you serious? Restarting the task didn't help. Funny jokes, of course.