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Demetrum24579 14.12.19 07:31 am

Need help with fashion SkyGFX 2.9 (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas)

Hello! Such problem: I decided using mods in GTA San Andreas to return to the schedule with the PS2, this downloaded along with teksturkami PS2 have the mod SkyGFX 2.9... Yes, I know there is a version 3.7(like it), but I put the 2.9 version for PC, as there blur less and therefore the eye is not so hurts. But here's the problem... In this mod has such a feature from the PS2: reflections on the roads in the rain. Who knows how can disable that? And then in the rain the fps sometimes drops to 45 and play not very comfortable getting... I don't know exactly in fashion SkyGFX it or SilentPatch'e. If someone fumbles the configs of this mod, please tell me how can I disable the reflections on the roads in the rain. Thanks in advance!
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Vestro 14.12.19

I recommend to download the latest version, i.e. 4.0.
Спойлерhttps://github.com/aap/skygfx/releasesУбрать blur can be in any version, and completely. To do this, open the file skygfx1.ini with Notepad and find the following lines: blurLeft, blurTop, blurRight, blurBottom. There will be on display any values for example 4. This is just the same level blur. Change these values to 0. Next, find the line radiosityFilterPasses. Importance is also put on 0. Blur is no more. Reflections on the roads this chip SilentPatch's. As far as I know, you cannot disable them. Try to put the game settings on low, maybe the reflection will disappear.

Demetrum24579 14.12.19

Now I will try. Thank you

No, they disappeared after I put the settings on low

GTAman 14.12.19

I have Silent Patch, it seems there are no reflections.