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Fidel_Cuba 15.12.19 04:18 am

Problems (Black Mesa)

Does not start what to do
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20021947 15.12.19

Can you guys give cd key counter strike Chernobyl?

20021947 15.12.19

Really want to play

Sater 15.12.19

Hello, got an energy weapon with 20 charges. If you use all of them or just pick up other weapons then energy is lost and it is not possible anymore to take up. This is so conceived or a bug?

FuLHousE 15.12.19

passed up to XEN level bm_c4a3d, the game crashes with the error ED_Alloc: No free edicts. On the top of the tower where flying aliens with huge heads. How to fix who knows? Adding the launch option -num_edicts did not help.

sadsdasdas 30.07.20

Found a solution?

Xionus 30.07.20

I have the same abomination, but only on bm_c4a3c1. No further progress, only departures within a short period of time. Version purchase, not you, the above parameter is to stick nowhere.

Xionus 30.07.20

It is not the solution to the problem with the error ED_Alloc: No free edicts, but only a choice of two evils. Simply ship the console to re-map where you pressed, I drove bm_c4a3c1 map and everything is just fine - no freezes, no villany. Who don't want to kill a bunch of enemies again - and rightly so, they've been killed - again use the console and without much interference getting to the point where then do not allow to pass the missions.

Yuriy Petrov 2 30.07.20

The solution to the problem when I start the game as monitor goes blank and says no signal but with headphones can hear that the game is loaded to start menu.

It comes from the fact that by default the game is the screen resolution which the monitor does not see, and the game somehow itself the permit is not picked up and the monitor blankly refused to show the picture.
How to fix.
Manually from the folder of the game, find the videoconfig file.cfg open it with a text editor (I opened notepad++) and manually set the resolution of your monitor.
and the game opens without the achievements.
He tried hard on solving the problem =) I ryzen7 and Gf1080 and the game refused to run )) - How so? - I thought -She can't start me! =) And found this solution by pererabatyvaya heaps of forums on similar subjects and random game files.

Templ8 30.07.20


RED123 30.07.20

cavo does not start the game, enter in the start parameters of the game this team oldgameui