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TASMAN4321 15.12.19 11:41 am

The discussion of the endings (spoilers) (Heavy Rain)

Well tell anyone what the ending.
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banda86 15.12.19

guys but if I first job failed on the machine, the ending will be good?

banda86 15.12.19

I have the ending everyone died except Madison, and Shelby in the international wanted list

Dankovskiy 15.12.19

guys but if I first job failed on the machine, the ending will be good-why not? The ending is good, if you have at least one character open the case. For example, I got 1,2, and 4 setting, but everything was Mad and saved Sean.
I think that this is some kind of conscience-come on, Blake has no conscience and is unlikely to be. Although...
Laura can ever drown?-can. When a car goes underwater, free, turn your head to the right and on the glass will appear R1. Click on the button, knock the glass, and Shelby saved, Lora sinks.
I have the ending everyone died except Madison, and Shelby in the international wanted list-are you spetsilno gave up in the end?

banda86 15.12.19

there were just to fuck off the first time

D0NoR 15.12.19

Bachelor's degree, I opened Punished .but thank you. Infa useful.

nickdick 15.12.19

The Ending Of A New Life
Ethan, Madison and Shaun living in a new house.
Jaden gave up and died in the virtual world.
With Scott and so everything is clear...

...if Jaana personal happy ending - unfortunately, no.

But Yes, the ending is called Case closed.

Guardian. 15.12.19

He was talking about this final. In this case, the dependence Gadana remains - perhaps this can be called a happy ending...

nickdick 15.12.19

Only if you took triptocaine more than once during the game.

-YES-MAN- 15.12.19

I have this:
Sean died
Ethan Mars shot
Medisson Paige jumped down from the house of the Master of Origami, and died
Norman Jayden was unable to unravel the case, and died of a drug
Scott Shelby (who is also a Master of Origami) survived and continued to kill

Dizel41 15.12.19

the people here I went through the game(interesting game)))
Ethan saved Shaun
In General, Madison, Sean and Ethan sagely happily
Ethan shot Shelby
but Jaydn died of peredozirovki(although I have it for the game never took,he avimator at the end of the game took)
question:what to do to Noorman not dead???

-YES-MAN- 15.12.19

Get all the clues.

Dizel41 15.12.19

I reconsidered,then I watched the video from surveillance cameras in the Blue Lagoon
and at some place to stop,Norman began to choke and die,Oh yeah he still the blood flowed,first with the right eye then the left

-YES-MAN- 15.12.19

Need to do is to Climb a mountain when about relse, find the corpse of a policeman before the fight with Jack and find a gun in Blue lagoon. And when you expelled from the police, where the evidence start to look for, you need to quickly to do it. When blood appears in the eyes, then immediately shut it off URS.

Dizel41 15.12.19

thank you

-YES-MAN- 15.12.19


banda86 15.12.19

Guys the second time passed the game and this ending
Ethan saved Shaun
Madison Sean and Ethan live happily ever after
Ethan shot Shelby
and he fell into the water
Jaydn retired from the FBI, to retire
Lauren poplove on the grave of Shelby and ... then nothing is shown
but the first was such
I have the ending everyone died except Madison, and Shelby in the international wanted list

-YES-MAN- 15.12.19

And 2 is this:
Ethan in the Slammer
Madison and Norman saved Shaun
Scotty in heat exchanger

Dankovskiy 15.12.19

The people, and whether there is the ending, where the cops arrested Shelby?

-YES-MAN- 15.12.19

There are probably just a lot of them and can not be, that would be all he ran away or died.

FlaShBaCk mEMoRieS 15.12.19

Shelby ran away, but Lauren tracked him down, talked pulled a gun...a dark screen and BAM!
o_o this is accidentally not in the kitchen? in technodance which in 2006 was shown?
if so then it seems to me this is the real ending

and here's mine
Ethan saved Shaun
Shelby fell down and died
Lauren on the magil Shelby stood
Ethan, Madison and Shaun moved in together in the new house
Jaden after which the show went to the toilet and threw the toilet, no tank battle was observed