Rosary (Dark Souls 3)
Is it NG+ rebirth from the rose garden?Ivan Slobodenuk
Write just deployed your question, pasta. Che I nehrena not understand.
Lelik Bobik
I understand what you mean redistribution characteristics. If so, then no. Not considered.
Mean after beating the game a chance before NG+ to reallocate characteristics? Yes, no.
I meant that when you start ng+ and get to the rose garden , will there be 5 possibilities of redistribution or their number remains from the last passage
Lelik Bobik
Yes figs knows, I do not quite understand when the rebirth. Just like the version that passed the first coming to the rose garden and redistribution points. And what TC has in mind, and only he knows)))
PS I agree with you. The words of a lisping genius - rather be comrades, more!