Arborskaya wilderness - how to get ? (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
was ridiculous and killed Masters, how to get into Arborskaya wilderness ? on the map there is no such location, but went to her in the quest, the fruits of pride in the story, PTS need to get there, you need a Cradle SlevinThe fruits of pride I passed, since the card has no arborskaya the middle of nowhere, on the table there is a completed quest, the fruits of pride, but to go to arborskaya wilderness gives
Vlad Adamovich
If, before full passage of sujecki never did not go there then all go there already can't.
Either this is a bug or a feature, the so it was with desert maps.
what about the intersection, the winter Palace ? how to actually get in there ? I there never was
Vlad Adamovich
If You want to find the sword Blade Slevin, here description completing the quest the Sword in the ruins to help You.