The problem with the CPU temperature
On my ancient PC is the same ancient percent, so I decided to replace it with better, but all the same ancient. Stood AMD Athlon II X2 250, and AMD's new Phenom II X4 955 BE. To the motherboard percent fully fit: GA-MA770T-UD3. As such ancient processors in the Internet almost no to buy, I decided to order it on Alyx, for reviews like anything I know of course that they bask. Here it came, I installed it all properly made, smeared with thermal paste, etc. Decided together with installing a new PERC to reinstall and even Windows. Well, here's the problem: I decided to check the temperature of CPU, download the correct SOFTWARE (Aida64, SpeedFun) and to be honest oxy... from what I have seen. In idle, the temperature is unusually high: 60-70 degrees, and it constantly jumps unnaturally, 5-7 then down, then up degrees per second. However, he uploaded by 15-30 percent. Cooling is fine, 3 is cooler (speed 3100). The characteristics of the processor it is written that the critical temperature of 62 degrees.Sometimes when not touching the computer, it drops to normal temp, but it is necessary to open at least the browser starts a hell of a mess.
But with all this, in games there is no brakes.
Help to solve this problem, if that's the problem and not the control with temperature sensors.
Cooler which (model) and what thermal paste?
Between your old and your new CPU, the difference in TDP is almost 2 times.
What are you for a new percent thermal paste again did not musucal, and stuck the cooler of the old paste?
Thermal paste KPT-8, cooler master, the exact title of model I do not remember, now it's too late, to roll out the system unit will not only if tomorrow, but something like this (p80, 80 mm)
Thermal paste, of course, such save it. It is not recommended.
Well, the cooler is also probably not of honest 125 Wat to take. Now it is turret in 5-6 teletrack. Why 5-6 tubes? To the temperature to 60 degrees is not reached, with their large crystal size to really take the heat. Here's to a new percent, you can put 3-4 heat pipes because there are much higher maximum speed according to the temperature. Not 62, as many as 95-100.
There were 2 such Protsyk on older computers (even in boost). You know what they say.
Don't forget that Alyx percent used , so don't be surprised an ancient piece of iron.
CPU-Z shows the same thing? I trust Aida is not much better with 3-4 prog measurements to remove
the pasta there is not 3 layers of smeared fatter?)and then anything can happen
if everything is normal ,then the cover could paste to dry and will need to scalp
Then all at once it is visible, the cooler your CPU just can't cope, change to cool, I would say do not take strange 3K on a cooler (e.g. Lucifer B2) and 500na norms of thermal compound, this cooler you'll have it for years and other more hot processors.