Error: stopped work mafia 3 application (Mafia 3)
Do not tell me what could be the problem?Paradoxically, when you run gives an error, but if you do not close the error window, the game runs.. wtf?!
Then did code crack crappy.Perestanavlivaya a new distribution.At the very same mistake.
haaa..... my identity helped!!! shit just slows me down at all! although watch dogs is code almost at the maximum
And what he did in case 2 and 3 in the 2nd case, he put a tick to run the game always as administrator I ponil and the task Manager why he opened it
First played on voxy - didn't take off, now playing on code(moved sohranki) - no crashes, so the problem may not crack.
schA who Have not started,look in the file SmartSteamEmu.ini Target = launcher.exe replace on Target = mafia3.exe. Helped me.And has ceased to fly.taken from the rutora
VladislavHacker wrote:
help the exact same error does not start from the crack waxes
helped me replace the pills for the code
I helped only update Window 7 to service pack 1, reinstall all frameworks 15 year, but the fun is not over just aplikasi the errore with all the resets....bought individuals - the same thing, returned the money problems will go....
the new patch came out Mafia III Update v1.01-CODEX