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FallenGhost 24.12.19 10:38 am

Worst game of 2019. What game deserves the title?

Continuing the annual theme.

The year is coming to an end, and surely each of us has a contender for the worst game of the year. Which released in 2019 is this for you?

I personally, from what passed, didn't like Blair Witch.

To write about the best game 2019 in Your opinion here, about the most anticipated 2020 here.
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sweetgirlx69 24.12.19

I do not understand why so hatat METRO Exodus, I'm personally very hooked on this game and very loved. The plot of the fire, remembered all the characters and it's a long time.

Taras_off 24.12.19

Meshwarrior 5 unambiguously the worst. Miserable optimization and monotonous jemley with bots that will spawn in front of you out of thin air.

SlavaSonic 24.12.19

For me it is by far Fifa 20. Very weak and zabagovannaya game

Anton Rodionov 24.12.19

death stranding is the worst game of the year. Whining in the story, Oh, our omerika caused disgust. Would have been just a science-fiction setting as in the last 3 planets, you see, and would make a suitable project. Oh, and code vein and control. Money down the drain.

Dogmit 24.12.19

Anton Rodionov
DS is a masterpiece, but you do not understand. Modern players perceive only postrelushki PIO PIO PIO. Something non-standard coming out so soon Oh yuck.

Skwidrow 24.12.19

wrote the same thing but my comment was removed. MMMMMM

redfox2013 24.12.19

Metro Exodus, worse to make, certainly not.

Daidjer 24.12.19

I have here a question. How can I determine the worst game in 2019? All have that replay?

Daidjer 24.12.19

muromez wrote:
metro exodus
This is how you have to be dollars... frostbitten to Metro Exodus called the worst game of the year. Seen in the skull not even emptiness of some hearts, brains rotted at the start.

Tulskiy Pocik 24.12.19

Blair witch. Didn't expect such a hack from the creators of the Layers of Fear.

Ignirise 24.12.19

I don't know, I borderlands 3 seemed nudnovato, rage 2, and anthem

wehrmacht88 24.12.19

Metro Exodus

ShiroiAkuma 24.12.19

The worst subway in this year it was probably nothing, disgusting game design and broken gameplay.

Sermavery 24.12.19

Death Stranding. Who would not say that, but the game pushes me personally.

Anton Rodionov 24.12.19

even for the worst games of the year should be added battlefleet gothic armada 2. The game can be divided into two parts: the prologue and the rest of the garbage. After a bombastic and very epic prologue to play grey and dull boring campaign.

sam_trevor 24.12.19

Metro Exodus

Generator_idei 24.12.19

Offended decalogi, of course, Death Stranding voted. Good game it will be only next year))

Choose Metro, especially the level of the Caspian sea. However, I never touched anyone Crackdown, nor Rage, nor to the Anthem

Sanya Shevchuk121 24.12.19

NFS Heat TSE just garbage

Kosmodesant 24.12.19

not the worst games,there are honeyrose which than happy.Every game has its price,each player is to each his own,someone loves one someone else.And if you don't like the game it does not mean that it is shit.So many like and many dislike what you play.SO WHAT DO YOU SAY BAD GAMES DON'T EXIST AS GOOD. Everyone has their own tastes...

sevapva 24.12.19

it's like a small revenge. video card does not pull???