Figures of the games.
Hi all!I sculpt figures and I would like to share VIDOS with what stuck. Why? Are you searching for audience and people who are interested in pottery, figurines, and just.
Here are two figures of heroes 3.
The link to the video on YouTube for heroes 3 - Zidar and Archangel.
(and how do You preview the message and make the link player, otoh, usually such a negative attitude - say advertising and other garbage...)
The figures turned out nice, professionally made video but nothing. It was necessary not only to twist, but to show from different angles, together and separately, and the autofocus lag there.
well done (this thermocline?). VIDOS?... would be better if you did not do.
static pictures from different angles and those will be better.
for the initial shots at least need a lightbox (Google) if there is no turntable you can buy El. motor from a microwave (any flea market in the range of 2-3 $)
about where to sell your infatuation will not be able to say anything definite, specific things.
well, good luck, modeling is yours. certainly paint a bad