Help with subjects and the Creation Kit. (Fallout 4)
Good day!In General, was Fallout 4 on the PlayStation, and then decided to play on the PC, and to collect all the logs and pups again, was lazy, and added their own placeatme command, thinking they teleported to me, and exist only in one copy in my inventory, but as it turned out it just makes a copy :(
Actually, my brain has formed some thoughts, to solve problems with original objects, namely:
1)to Teleport them to his\Teleport yourself to the subjects, but then leads to another question, we need Ref_ID how to find it, even using the Creation Kit I could not.
2)any way to remove original items set by the developers and to keep copies.
And yet, the Ref_ID of the object all the same, or formed in a unique way in each save game?
Most likely the same, and if so, then do some sort of base on Fallout 4 with these Ref_ID?
Or what tab to see by yourself (please, most lucidly) in the Creation Kit.
Interested in magazines and dolls.
I'll wait for Your advice and banter, thank you for your attention to my question :)
For pups I do not remember, but there are also travel team in the cheat room in which there is a chest with all the magazines.
Yes, but there will be absolutely other magazines.
I need only the Ref_ID which have objects scattered on the game developers to be able to teleport\to theliterature to them or yourself and get on the edge to remove.
Denis Malakhov sv
Have collected everything in an honest way on the console, now I want the computer just to complete the quests, to shoot enough of the legendary weapons, not steaming with dolls and magazines, pick up and put them on stands designed for them.
They write only Base_ID, but thank you for your participation.
The topic I was there too, just in case created.
Let's take the log Hot-Road 1, which is located in the garage of the Atomic Cats.
I found this journal in the Creation Kit, in the tab Book, called PerkMagHotRod01, if I select right mouse button and click Use Info, that tab opens, saying that indeed, such a magazine exists, and in the right locations.
And get a picture, we click in order to look at the journal itself and its location:
Yes, this is it, now right clicking on the log to view its properties:
See 2 console commands, the first is Ref_ID, second Base_ID.
0005226b.moveto player - this moves the original log Hot Road 1 to the player, the main stand on a flat surface and look directly, but is needed in close proximity, which reduces to zero the benefit of this method.
On the 3rd screenshot, the first command (0005226b) is Ref_ID.
Thus the Ref_ID for the desired object.
Program set, but still don't understand.
Do not prompt for example, the same magazine as me to see him teleport, or teleport yourself?
Journal PerkMagHotRod01 Hot Rodder [BOOK:00180A24] and lies in the garage Atomic Cats, I'm in the restaurant, starlight, how it to make? :)
Which team should lead, not to get a copy and take the original left by the developer.
player.additem [ID] [X] - add the specified thing in the inventory to the player,where the [ID] -ID of the subject,[X] - number.
The original with the same number will still lie where it was,there is no such command so that when you receive things through an ID code to destroy the original(not like console commands anywhere).
If you want to get all the logs and pups without problems - download and install the mod:
(F4SE)Receiving objects from esp-esm.In-GameESPExplorer
and add my inventory anything :)
Thank you for participating, but the question is left open as from any point on the map, teleport/teleport to him in the Ref_ID.
And what Ref_ID? For most objects in FO4 wiki leads Base ID. For many people have the same Editor ID. But this notorious Ref_ID is missing. More! Search for official! portal for Ref_ID issues There were no results matching the query. And?
Base ID is used only to create objects and apply just a few commands. If the first type ID is very easy to learn without leaving the game, with Ref_ID is much more complicated - to know him not leaving a game, except in some cases, you will not succeed.
RefID is unique for each object and represents a reference to an object (NPC, weapons, armor, wall, house, etc.). This type applies ID to teleport and change the settings of the object itself. The game can't be 2 identical ID Ref. If you create a new item, it is automatically assigned a new ID and it starts with the FF000. The first two letters F in the created object are always present, and the three zeros can not be.
If the console command does not suit INV(inv - shows the ID items in the inventory under the cursor,to retrieve the ID of the object
place the subject in the box and the console to dial inv) ,another way:
1. We have available the item thrown on the ground
2. We direct aim at the thrown object, press and hold the E button (Take the item), be sure to hold the button, the object is not taken into inventory, as it freezes in the air, while it can be moved, etc.
3. Open the console and type the command GetPlayerGrabbedRef
4. Appears on the screen ID of the desired object (e.g. ff001e12).
Here YOU have Ref ID :)
That is, you begin to understand about what I.
But the question was originally what?
Code using code using inv and the target will be different.
That need to be taken through the target, this is a unique code specific to this subject, because laser rifles in the game can be 100, but everyone will have their unique Ref_ID.
The question is how to teleport it to yourself or teleport to this thing by this code and not just add to your inventory using player.additem or placeatme.
There is no way(nowhere in various forums is not met) or my knowledge of the engine very lean which I doubt :),you can register a copy of the original in your inventory or next to GG.
You can, and it works, but, bitch, in close proximity to about hundred meters from the subject, which makes this method not very convenient and in fact, useless.
player.Ref_ID moveto - Moves the player to the object.
target_ID.moveto player - move the object to the player.
player.moveto - teleports the player to the nearest object. Players need to be in the same cell.
It's not something that you need therefore say NO :)