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Sham 26.12.19 05:54 pm

HOW to MAKE a COP MOVIE in avi format from a dem???? (Counter-Strike)

People! Help please, I want to make video video games on KS. Many do, but I don't know how to change the format of dem (demo CS) in avi video format, so that later it does not depend on KS and had the opportunity to video processing.
Sundry, write on soap...
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Dobrozhelatelnyy 26.12.19

Yeah ... all at once blew you soap !!
I'll post here how to do it right

top-Gosu 26.12.19

and you in Yandex did not try to write HOW to MAKE a COP MOVIE in avi format from a dem???? try it......... damn how effin stupid threads !!!!! everyone wants holyavu to the old without making any effort......... piss me off these people........

Blade_87 26.12.19

1) pri prosmotre demki pises 30 startmovie (eto kogda moment ho4esh postavit v rolik)
2) stop movie nazimaesh ili 4e to takoe
3) pri pomoshi VideoMach-2.7.2 delaesh rolik :)

Sham 26.12.19

Well, you're a dude and friendly! :)
Well... in General with the soap I definitely pogaryachilsya... :)

Sham 26.12.19

But I besyat people who all hate... :-
You know... with Yandex I do not use I google or yahoo.
Thanks to the people who answered me I know what to look for... and I found already :)

Sham 26.12.19

Blade 87, thanks for the help, I already downloaded, that's just not yet looked... well I already have everything wrote would, SKPlayer, VodeoMach and MoveMaker, I'll Laba... 8)

Smarsh 26.12.19

Sham I certainly understand that it is much easier on the forum to create a topic than, for example, to look for something for myself in the Internet. Sometimes you just udevlyayus the idiocy of such topics. That such problems nebylo bother to first search the forum ( and this fact rose time 5 be sure for the last time), and generally just in search engines, and then strain people. It's even more kasaetsya normal forums, than the outrages perpetrated here.

Sham 26.12.19

But on the commercials for cs 1.6 through search engines Neche not found, too early I guess...
I have now is cs 1.6... don't want to change to spedidam 1.5...
But nobody will tell how naschet rollers to 1.6 via video capture and? Heard you like to do for 1.6...

Sham 26.12.19

Smarsh, the fact that I'm here just signed up recently about raising such topics like are you talking about 5 times did not hear and did not know...
About search engines above the forum I have already uploaded... :)
People are nervous here but... :-

HAMANN 26.12.19

there is another way - if you have a powerful enough car, you can make a movie with prog metal( either all screen or region), such as camstudio. Again, I repeat, but powerful computer+ properly configure the format of the future AVI, compression ratio, etc. At optimal settings will turn out movie good quality.

.SouL 26.12.19

I only know that this aviшный the file weighs well VERY a lot. half an hour cha demos on the disc it just will not fit. (WELL, depending on the program).

Solid_Snake 26.12.19

There is a good program VideoMach. With the help of this program though his film craft.

MAGO_DE_OZ 26.12.19

3auDu u /7O4uTAu

-[WoLf]- 26.12.19

I will tell you the easiest option to create Ubuntu Studio.
Start hltv.exe that is in the folder Halfe-Life, or go create a game and zapominaet IP address of the server. Minimize the game (alt+Tab) and write in the opened window hltv.exe --- connect and record 1. Enter the game and play. All into you played is recorded with the spectator.
Then, when browsing, trichotosia points write startmovie 30, and end when the time ends. Then in the cstrike folder will be a bunch of pictures. The first of these photos otkryvaesh with Virtual Dab (which is not cancer it is hard to find), the rest of the pictures, the files will attach itself.
Further, everything is easy, he will deal.

Start viewing the demo with"viewdemo.
Compress your project using DivX 5.1.1
And purchase Adobe Premiere

Sham 26.12.19

Yes superovo, was this idea, I kind of have a detonation... there are just different versions, there are cool computers and there are easier, I got Win2000 expensive, but a friend on another P200,64ОЗУ,16 videos how not to plow as normal...

Sham 26.12.19

Solid Snake, I have this app just use it, read above... the proto problema simply to point chtoo with it avichi without sound poluchayutsya, sound to introduce very problematic poluchaetsya...

Sham 26.12.19

era Wolf
Well Elah burns, well I do, since I started this thread it took a long time... the Prime Minister, too, only I have it... problem effects videopeleja not plow cheto...

Sham 26.12.19

The people if who knows prompt in what the problem is please! In the premiere effects of videopeleja not plow, here I can not understand what the problem is, I effect it is inserted into the line and 0, read help English and did everything right and he is not paschel damn it!

[T.A.C.T]CATAHA 26.12.19

Warn that for those who have a small hard drive or those who want to see the film was with the sounds from the demo, this article will be of little use.

And now we learn that we need, and we'll need two programs is mkmovie.zip (which you can download in our section of the program) and VideoMach (also can download from us in the section of the program).

And here is the very description of the creation of the film from the demo in ten steps:
1) Set the game resolution to 400x300, otherwise the video will be scared to slow down.
2) Go to the game:
a) Run the demo from console with command playdemo demoname - we load it into the cache.
b) Next, write in the console command startmovie moviename, then playdemo demoname (will terribly slow down - do not worry as it should be because the browsing speed 1 frame per second) when this is all over, I write in the console command endmovie" and we're going.
3) Go to the directory with HL, there you will find a file with that name that you called the movie (moviename).
4) Create a new folder because there will be many files, and drag the movie into it.
5) From the archive with the program mkmovie pulls out a file mkmovie.exe and put in the same folder where the movie.
6) Take a movie file in Explorer and drag it to the file mkmovie.exe - the process of creating in this folder a heap of files in format .bmp .
7) When all the frames, i.e. all files in the format .bmp has been created, you can remove the film and mkmovie.exe from this folder.
8) Run the program VideoMach uploaded all the generated files in the format .bmp then insert the music (may not paste - as you wish) and save all in the file format .avi!
9) It is also quite a lot of time and space (hard disk) and when it's over will automatically launch the resulting movie.
10) That's it for now - if you have any problem, write about them on the forum and maybe we can help you.

The article is written FREzz'th and belongs only to the website (www.cscentral.ru) .
Plagiarism will be prosecuted according to law. :):)

Sham 26.12.19