How to overcome fear? (Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey)
How to overcome fear? Writes: You overcame the fear and Get to the capture zone. How and where should get?A S U S
Before the circle.
There are two circles, one very light and another somewhere nearby.
If it is not visible then go deep into dangerous territory. Either climb higher and look around.
when the adult begins to overcome my fear, remember where the white sphere is the extraction point. But for now it is not needed. In the lower left corner should appear circular field with sphere, your task is to overcome fear and expand this sphere to the maximum. To do this, plug the nose, intelligence, hearing, and study everything around being in fear. When your area expands to the edges, the map outside the sphere of evacuation appears as a white sphere of conquest, and here to it then you will need to come and going you will have the opportunity to overcome fear and to expand the territory.