The second day error 0_1 (The Crew 2)
Failed to connect to server. Before that it was (well, sometimes this error 0_1, but late game connectilis). Now, second day in a row, I never picked up a to servers, the error is constant. Heard that yesterday, our bestial Resonator started again the mitten flap on Google, it can affect 0_1 from Crew 2? I Beeline Moscow - inet. When such clashes in 2018, when the Cart was blocked by Google and shit, then I have a GTA Online was infinite loading, but I fixed it by typing in the Google DNS and, but now even these DNS do not help, all the time 0_1 menu 2 Crew.Serg2_
Many after the latest update the game is. I don't have the truth. Someone good but a Windows error appeared. They say it helps the registration of the port 3000 in the settings uTorrent.
I tried the port of the torrent to register for 3000, did not help, even when you open the collapsed torrent 0_1 error.
Saymanama55 Hey, another question - do you in PVP, the second playlist Derby or a mix? Just Yubiki said second playlist will change, first is always Hyper and stritkary, and the second playlist each day will vary. As a result, every day, until the game worked for me, since the weekend I have a second playlist of Derby, and mix (where rally racing, boats etc) playlist no. 6, I came in, the mix was, and after Saturday, the only Derby.