Letters and \"shaking\" (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl)
Downloaded 2 Repack.Both games are latest versions.Play for a few minutes and see the letters(white).On the screen is a shaking,the buttons are failing.Mods no.
Played Окне7(32) and had no problems.
How to solve the problem and could this be due to the bitness of the system(is 64)?
could this be due to the bitness of the system(is 64)?
Hardly, I have a 64 system and all flies, and with mods and without.
Play for a few minutes and see the letters(white).On the screen is a shaking
Today a couple of times it happened the same thing (after you wrote, perhaps a curse), but with one difference, I have the buttons work. And I noticed that it happened after a long stay of the game in the pause menu when ESC is pressed. I did, when the letters and all the twitching, I pressed ALT+Tab the game curled up, then the game launched and all was fine.
what other letters? the texture of the font? or what? type АБВГДЕЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ 1234567890?:%;!№*() ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Vobchem is a set of PM 0004 version, and it installed the mod tin so now the bolt can not pull and after rubilovki with the warriors on the cordon(in the beginning ie before completing the quest to kill the criminals on the ATP)so sidorych dog door does not open.
The BIG REQUEST HELP to RETURN the BOLT or how to create one in control of it no