Impressions of the game (Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason)
the game is already out who bought/downloaded - share experiences. what is the gameplay? graphics? optimization?who post there on account of the winter of gaming without heating
so my computer is not really hot and then there's the PERC series 8K so just do a computer freeze can not play ;)
I have download percent 50-60%, followed by Monica and you can see everything, the feeling that vidyuhi nevative.
The sleep of reason programmers, writers and artists. The game is mediocre in all but the initial idea. Not sure how it can be compared with the Stalker, most from the Amateur crafts like Penumbra. Graphics - somewhere 2005 levels, optimization disgusting, storytelling does not cause any emotion other than bewilderment. Game that can be without any regrets to miss.
laugh graphics of the fifth year(no offense it's purely your opinion)))))you'd have written that in the Stalker graphics better(to me Stalker nravitsa))))
Liked the game simply because games of this genre on the fingers can be counted ,but sorry !
I agree the optimization is horrible ,still it does not disappoint. Here trying to compare the game to dead space ,although I think it's more like bioshock.
Passed. Not happy. From the principle. The atmosphere is tense, I liked it. 3адумка good, but the execution - poop. Would come from the bourgeoisie for the idea = candy would have happened. For example, founders repeatedly the aforementioned masterpiece dead space from Korhogo my head sometimes burned. I think playing in their version you could just (excuse me)crap chair. Well Action Forms - ugh! Physics?! Graphics ?!! FIE on you again! On it I would be interested to see 5 years на3ад. Unreasonably ships vidyahu. And glitches(especially) saves really spoil the mood. And enough money in the comp 3апиханы the fresh glands, so that it definitely is not sin When we have to stop being lazy and start doing things, not just such premature vypiraya? Well,let's say, a little of his brain... so ask for help or team up with some thread as electronic arts and atari! Or Cho, brynza? The suit don't allow? Want to delight our brother-gamer - think about symbiosis with the giants of game development. I was lucky, For his 31 years I was able to observe эв0люцию games from a very early stage of their development (while drinking tea, while another miracle is loaded with cassettes in my sail).The pace and scale of progress is shocking!... Well, this hack is not impressive and hardly can claim a place in history.
3Ы: sorry if someone hurt :/
I am very picky about the story, the graphics, the atmosphere in the games, but not support those who are in Suspended animation this is not seen. Just did not penetrate. The plot of the game has revealed it very well. About the atmosphere, graphics and sound will not speak – here, everything is just super. Just very bad optimization.
Well well. Bought this creation. 6 more points to put anything.
The only thing that touches in the game is the plot, a mystery that makes you play this kind of game.
Poor graphics - the Same, not proportional to enemy models, metadataservice locations with a minimum number of objects. But in all this horror hung dx 10 effects. Optimization is no good, it slows down severely, regardless of nadrac graphics and this is with the latest patch.
AI enemies on ground level, comes out monotonous on you this is a misunderstanding, not hiding behind, not hiding, kill him with a few punches and forth. The levels themselves are linear, no step left, no step to the right, went into the room behind one of the doors button, and the dumb monster, killed and pulled flooded further. Amosfera good horror is the freedom of movement it oppresses, unknown terrain, sputannosti, fear not find the exit, pressing sounds, this memorable silent hill, Penumbra Overtur. Here we just go from room to room. 1 more question, but the authors of the ships though in my life seen? or pictures of the inside saw? What we move on the ship is not like any drop, more like a full warehouse.
But still, something makes playing Cryostasis. Yes, an interesting history and the singularity of its narrative shifts in time, look at the events through the eyes of other people.
rather with Amateur crafts like Penumbra
this is one of luccis horror games, there is no comparison
Just beat the game prosto sukarna even nadeyalsya the ending! What a pity that these games are very small ATO now produce single the raiders of this game like the old games which do not will pass never amersy...
In General Ekshen forms great respect!Experience just wonderful!
Went through the game a second time, again with the brakes in 15фпс :D
A game with a very good atmosphere in the presence of a ship on which to explore the story of the death of seafarers with good graphics create an elegant atmosphere..
The plot is also great, but a lot I fezam when picking up the plate, my aunt said what is apparent to my brain things about how the forest always says (where back on the ship, the woods?), generally much there I understand...
By the way thanks to the localizers for good voice acting, they are great
The game good graphics, story and atmosphere... If from the point of view of gameplay to appreciate, the results are zero. Complexity is almost gone, all my progress with his eyes closed. All you need to do is aim and pull the trigger, I even with my 15фпс passed the game, so it is easy...
Overall certainly not a bad game, nepotelul wasted time
The game passed already twice, now again started to play. Without touching the graphics and optimization - the game is excellent. Especially stylistically, some images of our opponents are worth. In my opinion, the game is full of wonderful scenes that remain in memory (passed the game a year ago, and some still remember). Oh and the end game is gaining a strong degree of surrealism, which cannot fail to please the eye and calm the soul (not to mention the final battle). And yet - I can't understand people who can't see the connection between the legend of Danko and the game, or can't understand the idea behind them (it seems to be simple and understandable, and chew and stalkivalas at school)
The game is very good.One of the few that is truly memorable. The plot is very interesting,though on the one hand and simple.It is not absolutely clear how it will turn out is the main character like that or it's just a coincidence.The game stands out from other projects.
Great graphics. Those who say that it is bad is just a blind. Very beautifully depicted the cold,light effects,many times very long remembered.For example, when you climb up the stairs,seeing only light and falling well when the picture switches to black-and-white and a man in a hooded all looks perfect.In terms of design and production,and technical execution. And optimization is not to say that bad.For such graphics,physics engine and you can hardly do better. Especially liked the sound and localization in the Russian version.One of the few sites with really well-chosen voices and staging.
The gameplay is quite addictive and entertaining. Especially when you consider that the action takes place on the same ship,and quite varied.As well as that already mentioned,they are our enemies and levels(which is the ship's reactor). In General the game is very good and hardly she can find at the moment a decent alternative.And to fully appreciate,to grasp it and feel the atmosphere.