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Kelt 06.01.20 09:55 am

Panzer division Playground.ru [TDPG] (World of Tanks)

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Rainbow_user 06.01.20

And that, supposedly there is more clan PG (for little people)? Pichal.

Len [02] 06.01.20

The clan is there. Just commanders fled.

Gadget, but you need to ask to turn off the aggression. Some came to work and tried, but anyone who watches his own business.

Gadjeet 06.01.20

Well, fuck you, the entire Internet is mired in these dirty cute pony.You can only see what eats your worthless brain that almost nothing else can do.(I know, smacks of a Dolphin)

ShefArdMM 06.01.20

The clan exists, but since that time, the Clan changed its format for fan club. Combat company trolls PG dissolved.

Metal Messiah 06.01.20

It is possible to join just like that, with nothing to do?

Rainbow_user 06.01.20

Metal Messiah
You kind of gave up the game.

Metal Messiah 06.01.20

I'm just curious.
But to play the same time.

4ubayzz 06.01.20

Oh. and once again Oh.
okay. thank you very much Telepage, and all the guys with whom side by side fought for months 4 :)
While the clan wasn't leaving. MB tries to go to the comrades SAORGA and YuriyGrytsenko in SwarG.

I hope that the clan will rise like a Phoenix and will continue to bend :D

k0tas 06.01.20

heh, TDPG still died(almost). How many memories...

Phantom_the_sky 06.01.20

yeah :(

ShefArdMM 06.01.20

Guys. Go ahead, go for it. If you go the whole company in one clan. Faster is going to gel a new company in a new team. Remember that TDPG not just a website on the portal of the VG, and do YOU. You who the last 4 months (minimum) fought with us side by side, rejoiced to victories and defeats, and they took almost 2 seasons to our favourite series ;)

Einheri 06.01.20

Well said, I'm in tears already

SAORGA 06.01.20

And that, supposedly there is more clan PG (for little people)?
No. People just don't give a shit for the most part. And the commanders with nerves of steel.

It is possible to join just like that, with nothing to do?
But almost no one and so did nothing. )

okay. thank you very much Telepage, and all the guys with whom side by side fought for months 4 :)
And thank you, soldiers, who cared about the clan. Sorry for ending up like that, of course, but what to do...

I hope that the clan will rise like a Phoenix and will continue to bend :D
If there are fighters, which it will need, it will be possible. At least, I don't mind. In the meantime, we all need to relax.

And Chief is right. Share with each other, who goes where.
And he is slowly regret that Svarog gone )) But look again.
You can even create a theme, where everyone will sign where he went.

Len [02] 06.01.20

But the command did not want to take? And then a lot of you have... energy.

Kelt 06.01.20

And he is slowly regret that Svarog went ))

And I told you - the Valkyrie is no longer the one..there are some bottoms)

Einheri 06.01.20

Someone is there to recommend in [PZE] lol?)
Thanks, I have already)

Kelt 06.01.20

Coming in PSE? CDM

Kelt 06.01.20

I haven't laughed)))

Lucky you with the Company commander) Victor clear a man) If I screwed up something will get ***dy for nothing)) XA for a visit to PSE has been following closely)

Just another User 06.01.20

who's got the keys to the clan ?

Kelt 06.01.20

Oleg certainly, it's Twinkie clanleader now)