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RussianQuaker 07.01.20 01:34 am

Do you respect other people's tastes?

The theme is still brewing-Naturavila, and matured in the end. The fans of The Cure are accused that they love them because the group is like Victor Tsoi. That Slipknot fans will call hard rock, that is a big piece of shit towards fans of Queen and Scorpions. Then Eminem will call shitty pop for what he Fichet with different shitty pop. The HorrorCore Hip-Hop will call not rap for the fact that there is not read about sweaty whores, vomit-covered cars and how bad the mugger in the morning, when last night with the guys drinking diluted windshield wiper. In General, to list many more th.

What do you think about the tastes do not argue, or this excuse shitty popsovikov? Whose music you respect from the one from which not listen? And for what respect? Or all tastes respect? Don't respect nothing but the Orthodox, they do not respect anything but their Orthodoxy.

Here's a quiz for you. Visual illustratsia. From your view at this image depends on the result:


Looked? Looked? Something skipped a beat? Then go:

1) If you agree with all three statements, then you are very tolerant, as you equally respect all genres, i.e. other people's tastes you respect this fact.

2) If you do not agree with at least one of the three statements, then you exalt one direction over the other, therefore, other people's tastes nifiga you do not respect.

3) If you do anything I do not agree, then th do you say, are you listening indiscriminately all in a row, all four are not lazy. Solid taste and promiscuity. Women you also like too different: from 8 to 80?

4) Well, if you managed to pay attention, what a piece of shit with pop even disdained to shit on the pavement (put daddy) and she turd all kind of atypical to poop, then you have the anti-popsovik. Respect and uvazhuha.
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Black Label Society 07.01.20

have me 1 there is no current 2010

although heard parasites

Metal Boss 0xE 07.01.20

Get, three. Quantum Catastrophe similar to a conventional technoglobe palilova, not that cold and crazy Apocalyptic Feasting.

Black Label Society 07.01.20

I can not find tyb link above gave Cholet

there is the sound quality not very good
but from 2010 but I'm very good like Beyond Bludgeoned and Awaiting Imminent Destruction

Metal Boss 0xE 07.01.20

Swing quickly and decisively http://ifolder.ru/15735652.

GTAman 07.01.20

Didn't read the first post. Other people's tastes are not respected.

RussianQuaker 07.01.20

Didn't read the first post.

Did you fuck chtoli, and come quickly scrolled the mouse wheel up and read important information.

Other people's tastes are not respected.

And if they coincide with yours?

Kotyara 07.01.20

And if they coincide with yours?
still not respected.

RussianQuaker 07.01.20

still not respected.

The names of the couples favorite bands who remember offhand in the Studio, pliz.

Kotyara 07.01.20


Dr. Ihar 07.01.20

The theme of the advance was planned for a thick trolling. Obviously. (=. But the participants of the thread quarreled among themselves. Feil.

Sergey Travkin 07.01.20

Other people's tastes you respect, but only if they don't bother me.

RussianQuaker 07.01.20


Ie if you listen to the Tattoo, it's cool, but if it's someone else listening, it means shit, right? Jealous of this group? :)

Kotyara 07.01.20

Ie if you listen to the Tattoo, it's cool, but if it's someone else listening, it means shit, right?
so. You love pop music and don't like popsovikov. And in General, my tastes go from somewhere in childhood.

Psihodolb 07.01.20

Others ' tastes are respected only if it really tastes... not formed under the influence of someone else, a personal, deliberate choice... a partial match with my naturally positive effect on the scale of respect...
Well... actually, I'm tolerant... and I'm not going to throw a person just because he has different preferences in music... just walk past, simultaneously throwing off a few balls with karma... (=

RussianQuaker 07.01.20

You love pop music and don't like popsovikov.

Oh, man, Gimme five! :)

absurdus elementum 07.01.20

look less dark.
Suddenly snickered.

Radio Announcer 07.01.20

I do not care at all.

PS. 3) *Sternesky*

absurdus elementum 07.01.20

Speaking of three shit - not everyone listening to the list of groups can indicate the presence of musical taste of the individual. I can not judge about a minimum of procurenet music lover-adept, but, often, the level of catering is not an indication of some taste.

Metal Boss x 07.01.20

What do you think about the tastes do not argue, or this excuse shitty popsovikov?

The phrase the taste is usually just from popsovikov and comes.

Whose music you respect from the one from which not listen?
And for what respect? Or all tastes respect?

I don't care.

If you do anything I do not agree, then th do you say, are you listening indiscriminately all in a row, all four are not lazy. Solid taste and promiscuity

Yes. I love it.

Women you also like too different: from 8 to 80?

Women? Hmm... Yes. It does not matter.

Radio Announcer 07.01.20

from 8 to 80?

From 16 to 40 - shit question. If we assume that the interval is wider...