Interesting if realized (Destiny 2)
Interesting if realized in the game? is it worth playing? and in General what to do in the game))) never read about her or heard)Try and find out. For a game of this plan is realized it is a nothing, but it is quite short.
Renegad242185 wrote:
Interesting if realized in the game?
For the second year in the game, I will say honestly: the story of the main company is quite normal, sometimes a couple of epic moments there. At times. The other characters held it just zadolbali. Realized in the add-ons is the maximum degree forcing to catch a knockout feyspalm. What in the expansion the second year, stupidity has reached its climax. The whole point of the game is endgame content: raids, crucible, gambit in multiplayer with your clan mates. All. If you are going to buy Destiny 2 for the sake of the story, just throw money to the wind.
In dostana is ENT, it is interesting, but she realized the typical grinding games and similar kind of games - it's just there.
MR.Homikator wrote:
You give a freebie to play with, you still think.
Here's a THANK you! For the tip! Went, checked, valid until 18 Nov distributed free of charge and forever. Shake, pokazaniem. If you go , all 3 supplements for 2 years will be possible to purchase, in the common view.
strangely, the campaign mode is pretty good (if a direct feel of what is happening, a story, not to deal with hooligans in the cartoon).
have a cool space theme: the traveler, the ghosts, the guardians.
if to take the plot in a separate singlescrew the game, it'd be quite a masterpiece in its class.