Change language (A Way Out)
It turned out that the Origin, as always, loves to dance by strictly limiting the localization language pack.Are the owner of the European version with the appropriate language set (which is not our native). I would like to make a Ru version as nigga did such with ME Andromeda
Anyone have ideas?
Since you bought the English version of the account you will replace the language only if predostavil key.
La, people just throw files of Russian localization. I'm in this English version just replace the files and everything will be OK, at least I did in the crew
Yes tipki all sorts of stuff has been written to the root folder go then __Installer then InstallLog.txt there at the beginning will stand
20:42:22 Install Location: D:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\AWayOut\
20:42:22 Install Locale: en_US WILL be HERE AND WE ERASE AND WRITE russian
20:42:22 Initialized installation config.
20:42:22 CommandLine: install-locale likewise, THERE WILL be AND WE russian en_US-installPath D:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\AWayOut\ -autologging -startmenuIcon=0-desktopIcon=0 AFTER above settings CLICK on ORIGIN to UPDATE the GAME in the COMFORT OF THIS InstallLog.txt WHEN you CLICK UPDATE IT will APPEAR IN a NEW TIME TODAY AND WILL be WRITTEN by en_US and NOT EN__EN hhahaha of the cases.
I created Russian account, it downloaded the game (don't ask how, don't remember). Then went to European ACC purchased the game. Start on Russian