I found the coolest gun !!!!!! (Freelancer)
It is on the basis of Bruschal this database system Frnkfurt this gun - torpedo setting Sunslayer one torpedo is worth more than 7000 and the gun is about 150,000 . In direct contact with any ship carries to hell :-) I have all the map crawled to find this crapThe coolest guns fall out of Named in Omikron Cannon and Blaster not trebuyushie energy costs
the most splendid cannon taken from Romanov - energomasch and energometer. Water quickly and energy consuming!!!
And is it important that some gun effektivnyy against certain shields and Vice versa?
Is it possible to obtain classified information about guns of the 10th level?
The coolest gun is katsuumi laser fall from the ships of nomads, but it is very hard to get!
On account of the base Bruschal run some! I was there-no, there is no Sunclear
Well, the taste and color actually, but the most powerful gun is a DIAMONDBACK or in the Russian version - the BRINK of a DIAMOND.
You can find her as the person said above, in the system of Sigma-13 on one and destroyed ships...
And which ship can hang Dimondback, Jade and Onyx? And where can I get it?
now flying in the Hammerhead - 9 level only
Hey. Throw saves. And then I spent 5 (!) hours in search of the wandering of the laser. But never found.
Box: [email protected]
I flew in a system called neizvestno cut down nomanov but in addition to guns and blasters out there nichego falls of 60-70 ships had stopped but the laser that
deals 1900 damage is not something vypadaet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey guys, if anyone of you play online, go to the server FREEPORT 3, ask Elite_Fighter or me, will help you to trade and earn large headstock, starting the truck you buy, all this to create a clan!!! the only condition is that nick-name should begin Elite_ (E.g. Elite_Vasya, Elite_Borya, Elite_Gogi, etc.) are welcome!!! The police already knows about this! (Even afraid of us. War with the cops we have had! though they have cool birds, and a few times threw them into the atmosphere, and guns 9 class weirdo!!!) Will help you sa time in acquiring heavy istrebitelej.
Gun nomads for 2000 damage the case rests on the idea in the hold and never get (that's right). So ... Nehru the population of nomads to translate :) the guns Use two times weaker ...
And what about Sinclair he's a sun killer (11ххх damage body), then he appears in the game as something chaotic, I can't understand where to get it, but the fact that it appears on some databases - that's for sure :) Looking for ...
People shield this tale.The rollers had seen?
I found this ship and all the stuff for him,and nothing,nothing.
The people there are guns, there are torpedoes and 12000 endure I fly on Titan, so they have to base in OMICRON gamma total bulk including torpedoes at 7450 and missiles at the same price Toloko the damadzh has they 2000 pieces (missiles ) torpedo did not take in to drench a power of a certain