Painkiller vs Bulletstorm (Bulletstorm)
Here compare these two SIMILAR games.if you do not like the topic do not flood please moderation it will remove it!Evacuation in progress support!!! This is a completely different game that is absolutely about something else!! Here's what you can compare is maybe Serius Sam 3 and bullet!!! but even I have doubts too!!! P/S. have Seen skinshoty Sam 3, shorter than krayzis 2 and bullet and in the course the rage will be sitting on the sidelines)) but I mean the graphics of the game do not compare!!!
I don't understand why Payne compare? Now if only sravnili with NecroVisioN. And they are the complete opposite.
painkiller for cattle, I choose a shooter in which you need to think, though not too much, but her brain activity never hurts.
Rejoining Chupacabra Like in Bulletstorm you have to think...Oh Yes, I forgot to take the eggs, look for booze and takes aim...this is the most difficult job for the brain, especially for you assholes.
Like in Bulletstorm you have to think
don't know never played
To take the eggs, look for booze and takes aim...this is the most difficult job for the brain, especially for you assholes.
ogaya, kanasina
reminded me of Bulletstorm Gears of war -I Agree. Only in the first person and much more fun.