Adam Jensen CLONE (Deus Ex: Mankind Divided)
Let's discuss this theory , I read somewhere a comment about it , but can no longer find , it looks like the new Adam is a clone ?saa0891
bad that this turn will be of € 29.99$ - not well, took it and sawed the game on YouTube, I went to play nothing at all. So wait CPY - crack you see will roll out.
Now in all games the main character is a clone? Metal Gear nobody taught? Almost anyone who loves the Metal gear series didn't like this twist, why Deus Ex should be different? I hope we are all wrong. And what about Janus - I think that is AI. It was too similar to the Daedalus from 1 part.
I hacked the computer that was in the apartment of Vadim Orlov. There is his correspondence with the doctor who was involved in Daria the Mouse. That is, the eagles also used a transfer of memories, so to speak. It's possible that Jensen did the same. Also in the safe at Orlov there is evidence from history disease Jensen. I understand it's about his wounds which he received in the struggle with the Tyrants. They would need the eagles to know which augmentation to put. So, unfortunately, many things point to this theory((((.
By the way I wonder would they like to explain that Adam had no rejection augmentatio,and it had no effect on the Orchid.
Orchid is only valid together with the doses neuropsin in the body if I'm not mistaken
Ostap BanderaСПОЙЛЕР!
Spoilerific worked
Miller,neuropathy and he does not accept. Are you confused with the Orchid with neon.
So no rejection was explained. When Adam was little, he was subjected to experiments on change of the genome in the organization of White Helix Labs (which once belonged to the Illuminati) with very successful results (the remaining subjects did not survive), which gave it compatibility with augments.
In General, confirmed the theory. Found in the game a clone in the store Werzalit really write the container itself is not remarkable, and to see supposedly it's possible after using EMP grenades
I checked.
Spoilers unfortunately, it's not photoshop, all it is((. Seen after you use EMP grenades, because its explosion lights up the container.
read this
Read and then take a look at photos from this site -
. It all fits
Never converge, because the letter says about Chapter illuminatesthe Council Five Lucius the Debirs, which in 2052 could be found in a secret room in the house Morgan Everett in the cryochamber
Yeah, I hadn't thought... But still in this case how to explain the phrase:
Spoilerhe pretends that He feels good, but when we leave the forces refuse him. It is almost are on hand in bed.Lucius is quite feels good during the events of Mankind Divided.
Because in all the scenes negotiations, they sit in special devices, one of which is in the story and Adam can sit. So there it is difficult to detect, and the lives of the Illuminati, the player still does not show.
Plus to the above, I still strained the splash screen in the beginning, which shows the 2 Adam. Such a remark, but still.
Look at the icon of the achievement absolute enlightenment. It has a picture of a man in something very similar to the cryochamber. And it is unlikely to Lucius.
Thank you for guiding me on the right path)) After you review to refresh your memory of the events of the first Deus ex and carefully studied the theory. Came to the conclusion that Jensen really is a clone, but we're real. That dude in the cryochamber at the photos of the failed clone of the Jensen. Though, because he has short hair. What imbecile is going to cut the body?
If you look closely, the icon is visible achievements Easter eggs - 18 degrees Celsius - it is at this temperature it was kept. In General, the cryochamber with Adam - something strange, maybe it's a replacement in the form of a man, who made a face of Jensen.
I'm still a little posherstiv Reddit on the subject of different theories. The most plausible about the fact that Jensen after inident in Pangea along with the new augments could add a specific chip that controls his memory in particular and reason in General that can easily make Adam a tool of the Illuminati and help them finally eliminate Janus. So now I'm waiting for the third part of the adventures =)
According to the plot of the original game, the cultivation of clones is an extremely long process, and even after 50 years after the events of HR and MD in the world of Deus Ex there is still no technology to grow a clone to the state of adult human beings in such a short time. Thus, returning to MD, one year could not well be sufficient for the establishment of a viable biological copies of Adam. And in fact the situation was like this:
1) Explosion Panchai took out all of the augmentation of Adam, however, sending his brain into a deep coma.
2) Next, non-functioning Jensen's body was fished from the water and transported to the clinic in Alaska, of course, at the behest of the Illuminati.
3) a Group of scientists and technicians headed by a certain Orlov gets the opportunity to study the technology of Sharif, at the deepest level, and then recreates Adam's augmentation from scratch, but with some innovations, necessary, apparently, all the same Illuminati for greater combat capability with their new toys, the main task now is to find Janus.
Next, are all consistent with the shared version of events and words Delary Ozen in the post-credit scene.
p.s. There is another option, according to which in a clinic in Alaska the consciousness of Adam technology Orlova (read more about which is described in the side-quest with Daria Mouse) was transplantirovannam in another body, with the subsequent change in appearance thereof. But there is one obvious in my opinion discrepancy: this is a new body without regular injections neuropsin certainly has stolen all the Augmentation.
Draw your own conclusions.
Actually Adam is not a clone, he's not even Adam, that's just what some dude or one of the trusted men of the Illuminati. He was brainwashed and pushed into the head chip in the likeness of what was in Daria's Mouse + similar augmentation + several new prototypes, the result is a sort of copy of the Jensen's but with secret directives, probably the main Illuminati in addition to General, plays its own game.