Unstable FPS (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
Who on PC plays who thread is drops fps hard to 22-27?Sometimes just 20 seconds to drop, even in the cutscenes and a few seconds after the cutscene.
Medium graphics preset are: (the average fps 40, max 51).
i7 4770 8 gb ram 780gtx ti 3gb, firewood, fresh, game on SSD.
Used 2147 VRAM, RAM scored 6 GB (2 free, the swap file is 8GB).
Well, there is always one radical way to fix it, it's the old Windows reinstallation )
Myself a couple of Months ago, the iron was updated. Four times re-installed))
than the wood was removed?
where rocked new?
food correctly connected to the new card?
As someone wrote above post More power in the none connected?
Try to optimize the game through GeForce Experience
I think we need to do a minimum of rearranging Windows on a clean formatted drive C. If this does not help, then an individual incompatibility of pieces of iron - probably this motherboard likes cards of NVIDIA, but this is unlikely. Well extra power to vidyuhi of course it is necessary to connect, if it has the appropriate connectors. GTX 1060 card is not the most productive, but dopisanie she is likely to need.
the first time remains of the driver from the amd I installed from nvidia...removed the remnants of the drivers from amd(removed) from nvidia and put them again.Today I just fool noticed that it appears they are not removed before the end was and put them.Maybe the whole thing was(((.Now will not check the others.Thank you all for the help again!!!
I read the thread it seems that the problem vitez123 as I have. I bought a Geforce ti 1050 and the game menu is not tried in FarCry5, the Witcher 3 also on the menu is not. I installed it on a second computer OS Windows 7 and lo and behold, all of these games start without re-install and was working, the video card driver , driver updates, the situation has not changed. It turns out the problem is the operating system?
I'm not the topic but Assassin's Creed Odyssey is already on the torrents lying
After his spicco. I started the confusion with the fact that the game was not on Gigabyte GEFORCE GT705
(warming up), I bought MSI AMD Radeon RX 560 then I realized that BP does not pull, bought on the principle of I hope you choke on 750W, and of course LENOVO has different grenades at them not that system connectors they have a non-standard.
I sent to hell with LENOVO and bought a new case and motherboard to boot. Despite replacement of hardware and replacement of the video card(since the beginning I sinned on the video card) the game would not load.
While standing still or moving in the range of 15-20 metres, gives 60-80 fps. As soon as you start moving, fps drops to 4-5, and sometimes even lies. What such troubles there are in other games from yubikov(the origins, вд2)
Maybe there is the mind map that advice?
8 gb RAM
1060 3gb
william1992 wrote:
The latest BIOS version on the mother worth? If the mother is sooooo old, old BIOS maybe crooked to work with the new map
You are absolutely right. When I switched from GTX 690 to GTX 1070 I reflash the BIOS of the motherboard.
All the same,the game between 4-8 fps is video card and the CPU is not loaded to the full, in the Headwaters at max gave out 40-50, maybe it's the pirated version