Unstable FPS (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
Who on PC plays who thread is drops fps hard to 22-27?Sometimes just 20 seconds to drop, even in the cutscenes and a few seconds after the cutscene.
Medium graphics preset are: (the average fps 40, max 51).
i7 4770 8 gb ram 780gtx ti 3gb, firewood, fresh, game on SSD.
Used 2147 VRAM, RAM scored 6 GB (2 free, the swap file is 8GB).
gennaz wrote:
I got without any dances with a tambourine quite acceptable fps.
Better throw the game until they refresh the computer and then play on medium-low Yes no stable 60 fps at all uncomfortable.
If you disable monitoring,the General I'm not even going to know if there subsidence fps or not, thanks to the technology freesync,and with the new driver Adrenaline 2019 fps went up.
lol, how is it possible not to notice. If even with a stable 60 fps, sometimes the image is not as slide if the frame is unstable (mainly due to the CPU if vidyuhi not loaded 99%) when uneven fps picture-in-principle may not be as slide.
With a 5.25 in your video clearly shows the pulling of an image even in a soap YouTube and just if you move right, if you turn the camera it will be even more noticeable these MicroProse. When the game monitor these MicroProse impossible not to notice.
anotoleololo wrote:
shkolota his mommy's computer. FKH with proper overclocking even 5 years of the game without too much trouble to pull to be.
dois cracking down, that the nurse does not give money on a normal pisyuk, I had фх[email protected] with a map 1080ти he has little pulled and the card is not revealed
I have a 4790k (4.4 GHz), gtx 1070 ti, 16 gigs of RAM 2133 MHz. on YouTube a guy with the same config on ultra is stable at 60 fps, rarely gray to 50. I have to play in 60 fps you need a settings reduced to high (clouds at all on the middle set). what am I doing wrong?
When it came to magarity played and can continue to say that 1080ти is the minimum for playing 1080p on ultra and that is not below 60 frames. Play with the scale 140% and fps when raining to 55 sags, and when with the torch run and to 48 happen. Although mostly 60-65 frames holds. Map to 97-98% loaded
Ribsi do not tell me! In General, I played one time (litsuha activase). All quite good walking 45-60. On the config of the gtx 1060+FX8320 16Gb RAM. At some point you have pozabil. A month to run. Decided to stop that as it is all bad. 20-30 fps. The game blew. There just pirates already were. Decided to put pirates. This MS bullshit. Scored. Here the computer so to speak pulled. Ryzen 5 1600 + Rtx 2060 + 16gb. This config understatement, all is well. And with tracing and one without. In General no complaints. And launched I mean again otsisin. And all the kuyak too 20-30 fps on minimum and maximum speed. This ocusense that Locke stands at 20 fps. Windows way is not demolished after the upgrade. So curled. In General, any ideas anyone? And the question remains on the last fire wood from NVIDIA play? Can drivah business. When all was Gud Drava like standing under the Assassin!
I 4770к i7,6gb and a gtx 1060 16 everything was OK everything on ultra without a problem and now passed on Riesen 3700х and direct zadolbali only in assassins creed odyssey and the division 2 every 2-5 minutes the fps drops below 15 and the picture freezes, that with acceleration that without
Just so it's not a damn good thing! It's max 107 and min 34, comes out "drawdown" is almost 75 fps, it speaks of a very poor optimization on the part of ubisoft, it is you on a powerful iron it does not feel and you do not interfere with comfortable play, but those who have max 75 fps, min will be 1-3 fps, on average 3fp8s, which is not normal, play will be impossible! Optimization implies stability, for example, you should have a max 107, and min 87, regardless of what location you are in, city or out of town. Between max and min the sweep should not exceed 20-25 fps
I opened and understood the bug why there is a fall of fps, twitching and hovering for a few seconds. There are no problems with the license, but the pirates of the latest versions have a problem with those who have mostly nvidiya. Based on the video cards of the nvid, here's the solution:
1. Go to the site of nvid and download archival driver 451.67
2. download, start, remove the driver in advance, close the games before installation, after installation reboot
3. In the game, reset the graphics settings, if the lags have disappeared put their graphics settings, if you feel again hovering, then again reset!
Why is there a problem? The fact is that the pirate is the latest version of 1.53 and it is not optimized for new graphics cards, new updates 10ka (graphics settings) and when you download the latest versions of the graphics and you have the game starts to brake terribly.
However, after these actions, my fall fps did not stop at 5-10 fps, but the twitching and fall of the fps to zero disappeared.
BatmanWayne221 Did you
read yourself?)) You don't even know how to write, but you climb into a row with your pig's snout.
There is also a problem with fps, though very strange for my system: laptop Asus rog strix scar 17, ryzen 9 + rtx 3080 8gb, RAM 16gb, video cards occupied 3gb maximum, laptop is on the table, does not overheat, just periodic sags from 60+ to 50, 40. In theory, playing at ultra or very high should go. And podlagivaet sometimes even on average. What's the matter ?
Disagree about the lack of video memory! I play on a radeon RX 5700 XT, 2.5 gigabytes out of 8 are occupied and still there are drawdowns in the cities! RYZEN 5 3600 percent. I think the problem is in the optimization of the game...
Whiskey45 wrote:
...playing on a radeon RX 5700 XT, 2.5 gigabytes out of 8 is occupied...
On what settings and in what resolution? - on my bucket the game used up to 4 GB of video memory (config in the profile and video captions).
My FPS also drops to zero. I do not understand what's wrong, like a normal computer! True, the game is installed on a regular HDD. Here is the screen!
Alexey Vygodin
Recently raced. Everything is clear. HDD should be thrown out under the file trash, 22 years already. There was a similar garbage, left with the installation of SSD. Well check it out for yourself. Odysseus, I did not write, but Origin was:
On the HDD
On the SSD
, try to look at yourself. BUT there is one more problem - your amd ryzen percent. It has the same frills on it. Ryzen requires top memory, although it does not help him. On my old 1600X, the fps in city locations also dropped, but not so much as zero, but at 0.1/1 it is very noticeable.
Alexey Vygodin wrote:
like the computer is normal
At least office percent and HDD - this is no longer normal. Are there any problems with memory? With overheating, be sure to check in other games. In general, here it is necessary to disassemble. Run like me and google on the topic of staters (stuttering), reddit is full of notes and tips. And the game should have been on SSD for a long time (start with this). Others are worth a look (mass problem or local, check).