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just fire 21.01.20 02:49 am

A pirate version. (Middle-earth: Shadow of War)

What do you think about pirates ? Actually I wanted to buy the game but after seeing the price tag changed my mind. You may want to buy the game at a discount a few months or still just download.
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Vova Semenov123 21.01.20

well, I think if some money osobom not then better download it from torrents if there is certainly

- MVP - 21.01.20

well, the mushrooms most likely you

_Mahoney_ 21.01.20

Now recite found an article which shows the game with versions of dunka, so the shadow version of war of 4.6,the same is on PES 18, WRC7 fia, Dishonored DotO, Warhammer 2, FIFA 18, so either today morning or late afternoon!

Just-Name 21.01.20

It didn't have that morning or evening,but if the version of the truth is like this,in the next few days should appear

bazilews 21.01.20


Kovboy belomor 21.01.20

As you disgusted to eat kakakhi, but you eat them. So here it's Disgusting to read such nischebrodskie topics.But you read them.Bon appetit.

Serafim92 21.01.20

XcomX360 wrote:
Disgusting to read such nischebrodskie topics, don't consider for people, for whom the 4-5K rubles is expensive.
PS Games always buy and always felt a cut above pirates and other riff-raff.
You may not have noticed, but all deep purple above whom you feel. People discuss the possibility and feasibility. Despite the fact that many of their money does not mean age or low income.

And Yes... stout

Kovboy belomor 21.01.20

Well at least I am GOD not written.

AtomaTb 21.01.20

I have PUBG 3000 rubles from the cases accumulated,and could be 4000 if I sold immediately.

Don't know what to buy out of this ...Over the ruble's trading platform:

AtomaTb 21.01.20

Need to find out from what game the defense is weaker )))
And to buy that which is better protected )))
Could you tell me ?

bazilews 21.01.20

Why shit with each other?
Buy-buy,shake-download.All of this is a personal matter.

AtomaTb 21.01.20

Slaves of society ,and his CzW )))

Castly 21.01.20

Well dunno about piratok, usually crap with them anymore, well, purely subjective. Either no patches or weeks some features, or even what the game is associated with a curved break-in. Easier already then activate one thread, the patch was released, you update it and then play. He activated the most familiar games on the cheap that came out of denovo(though not passed any). And then most of the diehard pirates so I would not buy the game for different reasons.

SPR1GGAN 21.01.20

exact same garbage)) money on the incentive to lie ,and to buy as it is not drawn ,the assassin must take ,and the rest from the torrent .

AtomaTb 21.01.20

And Assasin )) longer break will be?

assyy nuar 21.01.20

I would Eleks bought used a little Studio and scum from Bethesda who can't for so many years normal engine to do with beautiful graphics Fig butter, about yubisoft do not say anything

Nikolay Ololay 21.01.20

Not pirate if hacked, buy, good, because the sequel turned out, no one is forced to buy the gold version. And 2K hardwood it is quite beats

NightHawkreal 21.01.20

Nicholas Ololi
While the additional cost? )

Nikolay Ololay 21.01.20

The game runs fine without them, without any donations

DrMors 21.01.20

Nicholas Ololi
Yes, I'd love to, but living in the DNI and salary 6K does not clear up, so this is the only chance to play...