A pirate version. (Middle-earth: Shadow of War)
What do you think about pirates ? Actually I wanted to buy the game but after seeing the price tag changed my mind. You may want to buy the game at a discount a few months or still just download.ChaosPaladin
Vyezhivatsya as cake. I would not spend money on this game and pre-order destiny 2 superedit. And to brag about the Earth, pfffffff. The pirates will then enough.
Recent releases were broken for 7h and 3 hours (Total War: Warhammer II and FIFA17). This really is delayed. But don't worry, you and 4-7 days to wait from the usual schedule of release crack.
With this approach, I will choose the pirates, although other more appropriate publishers I good toys always buy.No regrets about buying Divinity Original Sin for 2 799р, but to give from 2000P to 5000r per game - I'll be out of my mind.
we need to look at the game!if your theme-the gameplay,the story,in short everything
and feel that you play and replay-take,
if at times to go through it... make sense??!!
and?for you it is a sore subject-I want to play as soon as released?
I, as a gamer with experience playing with the first thought of the play,
so to take the game and run on the day of release is baaalshoy chance
to abut against the lag,bugs,crashing servers, etc
in the last couple of years especially
CA.Rin don't post fakes, only the legitimate cracks. After a couple of hours distribution will be on foreign trackers. The game is still, most 100 gigs.
what is there in 100g of this interesting vtulit if the Witcher III is 40GB installed.
Hmm, but they had all been broken by Denovo? What I even a single case can not remember. LUL
Antip Of Diskoletov
4K textures and videos
On CA.Rin say that for the first time.
Antip Of Diskoletov
* 'Game' ===> ~67GB (refer to Kraken Content)
* High Resolution Texture Pack ===> ~ 11GB (refer to HD Content)
* 4K Cinematic Pack ===> ~to 22gb (refer to Cinematics HD)