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Aleksandr Kupcevich 03.09.19 11:09 am

TOP 10: your choice. The most underrated game


Today we are starting a new TOP 10 with the theme "Most underrated games". At the bottom you can offer from itself, FROM ONE TO THREE variants of SPECIFIC GAMES that, in your opinion, are not. Please adhere to the following rules:

1. Write the exact name of the game in English (if the game has the official Russian name or Russian name, or only name in any other language, you can write it).
2. Do not offer more than three options. From each user we take into account only three games (the first three proposed options).

From the offered games, we will select the best bargains will start the vote. The results we summarize in our traditional format.
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Ivan Bessonov 03.09.19

Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator

Chuvak Chuvakov 03.09.19

Alpha Protocol
What a pity that developed have led to the tubs of mud, which they poured. And if you would have fixed all the shortcomings of the first part, then we would be another cult series of games. Spy enough RPGs, Yes, they fucking do not!

Protocol10 03.09.19

Dragon age 2 - at the time the game was shit every gamer and critic, putting a very low valuation. But as for me the game is quite nice to have interesting quests and characters better than DAI. So 8 out of 10 deserves.

lords of the fallen - mighty clone of soulsof. the game clearly had potential to get a sequel.

lokoSvostoka 03.09.19

The Saboteur
Sleeping Dogs

krichfal 03.09.19

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

DenXus 03.09.19

Vampire: The Masquerade — Redemption

armageddon_Trulio 03.09.19

Crysis 3

Dimitriy Bolban 03.09.19

Mirror's Edge
Batman: Arkham Knight (everyone saw the PC version and decided the whole game and ignore)
DMC: Devil May Cry

(special for our country is possible all the top games from Nintendo stuff, but cattle all the same, no breaks)

mironnenko 03.09.19

1)Binary Domain
2)Mount & Blade (especially with fire and sword )
3)Stalker ))))))))))

Pavel1150 03.09.19

The lost planet 1 & 2
Drago age: inquisition
syndicate 2012
assassins creed 3

Z126 03.09.19

Fear to write to ruin it .. but I'll risk it ... do the top to be without a witch ?

Vasiliy Stalin 03.09.19

Call of Juarez

x_warrior 03.09.19

1)Need For Speed: Shift. (maybe not similar [almost nothing] in Underground and Most Wanted, but as a racing stimulator game is great).
2)Ninja Blade.(very interesting Japanese(meat) game with a unique story and a different approach to enemies).
3)Titanfall 2.(as for me took the best from the first part, while got rid of not the best).

Indo77 03.09.19

The Talos Principle

Alexandr 31fhfhfjgj 03.09.19

spec ops: the lane
The Saboteur

lebowski113 03.09.19

Call of Juarez
Dying Light

[_LeoN_] H.U.N.T.E.R. 03.09.19

Split second
Star wars The force unleashed 1-2

mc1death 03.09.19

It seems to me that quite a lot of games...

1) The Saboteur. Suitable example of how excellent the game might just go unnoticed. When she came out, I couldn't play it normally because of the weak iron friezes were strong and low fps. After the upgrade I realized that I'm on the new hardware can't play (for some reason my video card 6850 the game was not perceived and was constantly missing environment). But, many years later, in 2015, I appreciated the beauty of the game. Excellent drama about the second world war, betrayal, intrigue, cruelty, stealth, parkour and a Noir atmosphere.

2) Alpha Protocol. The game poured mud due to VERY POOR optimization and control. Constantly prisila mouse, with a gamepad to play inconvenient when switching between objects on locations prisila that Mama do not cry, just ultra speed subtitles, which I don't have time to read (and I have many years watched the series with subtitles and have experience). But, with all this, the game was extremely complex and convoluted plot, the real consequences of the actions of the player, charismatic and deep characters, good locations. Was passed on 5 times and are unable to get bored.

3) Star Wars Knight of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. It is unlikely that this game will get to the top, but don't mention her I can't. When the first Kotor was a hit and was elevated to the rank of worship, from the second part everyone was waiting for, at least, a masterpiece. A masterpiece did not work. But this is only at first glance. The first Kotor was seen as a good story from uncle Lucas, around good the Jedi are protecting the disadvantaged, the surrounding characters, for the most part, childish, and the story itself presents a minimum of 1 dashing plot twist.
What about the second part? And the second part - this is not a fairy tale. It's a brutal, desperate world. The good Jedi are dead and in hiding, the characters are no longer a naive and saw some shit, the story presents at least 5 very dashing plot twists. The large variability through the story, more consequences from the actions of the player, more options for leveling, more variety, a lot... And too little time to get it all implemented by the developers. Vampire the masquerade from the world of star wars. Fans tried to fix the situation, but the situation was not correct. Brilliant game remained undervalued.

Well, now, we would like to highlight a small, personal top games that suffered from belonging to a larger series.
1. Prince Of Persia 2008
2. Mass Effect Andromeda
3. DMC: Devil May Cry
Just change the names on some or the other, not belonging to the cult series, and these games immediately will be better perceived by society. They would be called, say Prince and Princess, Andromeda, Dante: Tale of Two Demons - they would be much better perceived. Games that, frankly, is not the worst. But the shadow of its legendary predecessors destroyed them.

Comik26 03.09.19

Assassin's Creed III
Prince of Persia (2008)
Dante's Inferno

Mishka Dallakyan 03.09.19

Planescape Torment this is a masterpiece, went better than the baldurs, well, you can still include neverwinter nights, the combat system in it happy