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Hunter_466 18.09.19 08:13 pm

Share experience (read, will not regret) (Medieval 2: Total War)

Hi! I've been looking at this forum and say what you've learned here a lot-interesting things. In General, I am a fan of the series total war and I want to share with all my experience in the game was Medival 2. So let's begin.
Playing this game it is a Catholic faction, you will receive full enjoyment from the game (IMHO). Muslims and Orthodox are almost devoid of religious branches of the game. But the choice is yours.

1) the Economy. With the economy it's simple. Bring money to the city. It is therefore necessary to convert castles to cities. Having 40 cities, it makes no sense to keep more than 10 locks (I limit myself to 5). All provinces with access to the sea should be cities. Conquering a new city, first and foremost, I'm in no hurry with economic development (the ranks of the Church, the barracks, the municipality, a hotel and other buildings to raise public order). Only then roads, then agriculture, then the docks, the warehouses, then the markets and other buildings giving trading income. Try with all countries to have alliances and trade law. I choose the path of peace development and fight only those who attacked me. Thus the war is a maximum of 1 faction + reputation as a reliable ally. In cities of developed in my circuit it is necessary to keep 6 units of sergeants. This is sufficient to keep order in the city + in Metropolitan areas 6 orders do not require payment of wages that reduce our costs-and therefore increases profit. You must also try to put all the maximum taxes, and in the absence of General fiscal policy.
Thus having 40 provinces, with the constant construction (which increases costs) obtain a net profit of 50 - 60 thousand If the construction is not have 100 thousand per turn. I'm not kidding, it's true. Currently playing as Denmark in my account 7.5 million Well, I like to be a tycoon. It does not use codes for money. Although I prefer to play with open map. With the economy figured out. Everything is in your hands. Oh, I forgot. From traders little help and take a lot of time. In the game of rather game than waste time on the merchants.

2) Policy. The unions and only unions. And under the control of the nation. I like to have vassals. So more diplomats early in the game and galloping across Europe, the Azy and Africa. And make alliances, trade law, marriages, etc., etc. don't be afraid that you will not conquer the province. Explain. At the beginning of the game is quite a lot of rebels, who are a great target for intervention. Further, from time to time somebody will attack you. What is not a reason for the capture of the aggressor state. + you are more respected. And if the war begins you have strong unions. It makes sense to support with all countries of a great relationship. You need to have a diplomat in each country, like this Embassy. Improve relations to the max is expensive. To do this, give them a gift in the amount of 100 gold. Will have to do so up to 30 - 40 times. 2-3 times in turn give them 200 - 300 zollotech, again not the whole amount, and 100. In the end, all countries are great and low aggression on their part. Also during the war, not abandon any thoughts of becoming your enemy in Bashan. Turn enemies into subjects rare art.

3) Religion. Again, only write about the Catholic factions. Each faction early in the game has 1 cardinal, scrip 13 - the quorum of cardinals. Those cardinals in the event of the death of the Pope choose the latter of the 3 most pious cardinals. In the initial e Tapa game having good relations with all countries, you can easily make your cardinal by the Pope. Then even easier. Having 10 cardinals from your faction in the election of the Pope is not necessarily a problem. Quite often, all 13 of the cardinals belong to my faction and then I don't even participate in the election of the Pope. To have such an impact on the Catholic Church you must select 2 city, and only cities that will become your center of religion. In these cities, try to build and improve churches and temples, also each turn recruit priests. If you will offer to build a Guild without, if already built some Guild to destroy them. Continuing to employ priests, sooner or later you predlozhat create a Guild of theologians (theologians). This will give us the opportunity to hire priests with +4 level of piety. You will have advanced priests at the start that easily in the presence of 5-6 levels can become cardinals. And to make bonfires of heretics is not necessary. Just sitting at home in the city, the priest will become a cardinal. You need to create multiple conditions. First, the Alliance and trade rights with the Pope. Secondly a great relationship with my Dad (you don't even have to perform his mission but just once in 2-3 moves to give him handouts - see paragraph 2). And third, the Pope must be a native of your faction. Dad probably will take that priest to the cardinals, who comes from the same country. In General, if these 3 conditions are met - you will succeed. I would like to dwell on one point. If the Pope threatens you with excommunication, you listen to it is not required. In the case of a great relationship with Pope attack a hostile country, the relationship with the Dad immediately gets worse. Immediately send a diplomat and bring relations with the Catholic Church to the maximum. So you can do 3-4 times and only after that you can really separate from the Church.

4) Agents. The traders in the game not necessary (IMHO). With Princess, you can lure enemy generals. The difficulty is that the princes appear mainly in the capital and yet bring it to the desired General, it can be an old maid. With princessamy - all. Diplomats - the first ambassadors (see paragraph 2), they can be used to conduct any negotiations. Also, diplomats can bribe. But I can remember only 3 cases when someone took a bribe. Diplomats, too. Further spies Spyware can gather information about any city and the army. A spy, a plant in a foreign city undermines it up, and pushes citizens to revolt. A spy in your own city, reveals enemy spies and assassins. Spy in my own army will also help to protect your General. Spies can be trained and increase their level zasylaya into enemy cities, or enemy armies. In order to have a good spy - he should hire in the city with the appropriate Guild and high level. Killer. Killers do killings and subversive activities. Ie, you can kill any character in the game (purely theoretically). Practically it is difficult to do. To train killers better on the rebels. The best will be the best, and the losers sooner or later will die (why pay money mediocrity?). As in the case with spies assassins should be hired in the city with the appropriate Guild and high level. Left seems to be useless priests. Priests can burn witches and heretics that undermine the peace in your cities. And the priest, a plant in a Muslim country undermines order in the enemy province. Here is an example on the use of agents. It is difficult and will leave us a lot of money. And who said that it would be easy? More correct question: will there be I wonder if it would be easy? NO! So example. An ally is a Muslim, and we are interested in one of his provinces, or several provinces - who wish. And we are interested in good relations with this ally. Very interested. We send about 10 medium prokachany spies to his city. Also send about 10 priests (cardinals) to make a little bit of religious strife. Next, turn over the killers. Killers level 6+ should be about 3-4. Brings them to the city. First if there of the enemy - you need to get rid of them with the killers. Otherwise, they pretty spoil the nerves van. After he dealt with spies the turn of the Governor of the city, if any of course. Then begin to destroy enemy buildings. First and foremost, a Guild of spies or the assassin's Guild, then buildings improve public order, and after the rest of the building is taken down cleaned, including the watchtower. As a result, the city public order = 0. 90 % of the population are Catholics. As a result, the city proishodet revolution and he becomes rebellious. Here is the way it will have your army, which should be in the offing. Grab the settlement. Eventually, the city your relationship with a faction is great. Level priests, spies and assassins are very high. Kind of a forge of qualified personnel. That's all.

5) Strategy. Have before my eyes the campaign map. Take not what is bad, and that's what we really need at the moment. Create your faction heap. Ie the state, which stretches the rope across Europe - too easy target for a foreign aggressor + huge payouts for the maintenance of the armies. After all unexpectedly can attack any province, and therefore, each city should carefully guarded. We should not forget about the economic aspect. Remember that the contents of the 6 units in the city and 20 - costs us not less than 2100 gold. In General it is better to take my advice. Coastal provinces turn to the city. From poor provinces there is no sense - why turn them in the locks to increase their military power. Another piece of advice. Capture towns need urban units. A few reasons for this. First, the enemy will try to bring back the lost city and it will attack. For reflection of attacks you need to have a strong army. Do you compensate for losses by training units. Let me remind you, the professional troops are recruited in castles cannot be training in the city. In the end, you may lose the city. Also, the townspeople don't like seeing military in your town, and talk about it with a constant strife, which will also paticipate your army. For a full bouquet of only the plague is not enough. Strongholds need to capture professional troops. In each city, it is very desirable to have 1-2 a spy - in order to avoid unpleasant surprises. In the border provinces is necessary. If you are in the neighborhood are Muslim or Orthodox, you should be on the border of the killers. This will allow you to remove unwanted religious propaganda. Full garrisons it makes sense to keep only the border territory. In the inner cities need to keep 6 units in the inner castles - 3-4 squad. In General there seems to be all.

6) Tactics. Now, if I do something is little, it is in tactics. To be honest, I'm not interested in tactical battle. Plus I do not have a super powerful computer, at least for him and not complaining. So the city I zahvatu in automatic battles On the battlefield command troops himself. But what I really like about the tactical battles, as is the protection of the fortress (city). The fortress (city) is my rock, and to win it. Defensive units - 20 units. Including: 6 units of archers on the walls, 2 regiments of infantry also on the walls against enemy towers, 10 squads of infantry near the gate, and 2 detachment of cavalry near East and Western the gates of the city. Then derive the cavalry over the gate and move to the front flank. Enemy troops are moving to the city. I go with cavalry behind enemy lines. archers shot the enemy column, what also help the tower. 10 units of infantry meet the enemy broke through the gate. The infantry units on the walls and, optionally, archers to confront the enemy towers. The cavalry crashed into the enemy from the rear. All the battle is won.

In General that's all I wanted to say. To be honest, never before on the forums wrote. So, not too literary presentation of ideas, and a bit messy. Asking me prostii. Maybe I missed something. Ask questions I will be glad to help. If something wrong - correct me. Write! I will be glad.
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migor 18.09.19

Quote: the traders in the game are not needed (IMHO).
You describe the game mode, in which virtually no war, and most importantly - the development of eonomic. This mode is very familiar to me - I love to play. But during the war (if you play to capture as many provinces) merchants can be useful. First, extra money during a war does not happen, so that the merchant can not hurt. Second, pumped the merchant can eliminate the merchants of the enemy, and in many countries, it is almost the only source of income. Although it is clear that when each city brings a minimum of 5 thousand, there is no war, then the merchant, bringing an average of 100 florins - not a very good thing.

Hunter_466 18.09.19

Yes, for me, the war goes by the wayside. With the elimination of the merchants I have an excellent job killers. No extra money is true. So they need to be able to earn as well as spend. Do you think that with 7.5 million might have financial difficulties during the war? If you want, completely eliminating the building, I can have up to 120 thousand gold for the year. And content is powerful 20-25 fully staffing armies. With so many available armies in 20 moves you can win the remaining 50 provinces. It does not go into minus. And now we take into account the fact that the one looting the city of the enemy gives an average of 20 thousand + about 2 thousand of income for the year, you can put my 7.5 million is not only not reduced, but rather exaggerated. But I'm not interested to play. A lot to lose. For example the war time for religion, politics and human activities. There should be ponemnozhku. I do not consider it a waste to pay 200 thousand for the city I'm interested in the ally, Because over the course of 2-3 the money easily repulsed. That's my opinion.

migor 18.09.19

7.5 million you, most likely, not with the first stroke, namely, first, the money is needed most, and it is at this point, I was paying attention.

Vygo 18.09.19

... I completely agree with degram. What man will have in every city the army and the neg won't be traders because we all know that more or less shaken, the merchant gives around a hundred coins at first and when the money ischislyaetsya not millions every penny counts . You yourself write that quote Remember that the contents of the 6 units in the city and 20 - costs us not less than 2100 gold and later quote defensive units - 20 units. You argue with myself!

Edited. No vulgarity,OK?

Kortes 18.09.19

To Hunter_466
The economy. With the economy it's simple. Bring money to the city. It is therefore necessary to convert castles to cities. Having 40 cities, it makes no sense to keep more than 10 locks (I limit myself to 5)
Well what interest all the time to fight the same type of urban militias.As for me it is better to contain city with locks 50 to 50.

Oh, I forgot. From traders little help and take a lot of time. In the game of rather game than waste time on the merchants.
I wouldn't say that.At first I was scored,but then decided to rivet as possible and now my income traders constitute about half of the annual budget.

Playing this game it is a Catholic faction, you will receive full enjoyment from the game (IMHO). Muslims and Orthodox are almost devoid of religious branches of the game.
Not really tested half a Catholic country, I started for the Muslims.A completely different side of the coin.Hitting the Crusades, Jihad, Muslim solid alliances (unless, of course, not much to oppress ally in terms of territory) and a whole other range units.

That's so...it's not you biscuits in tea Moka...

Hunter_466 18.09.19

Yes I have 7.5 million to 150 go. But this is not so important. How many times did not play for different factions to minus didn't even pryblyzhalsya. Money has a habit to accumulate. In the beginning of the game are recruited cheap content units. And of course in the beginning I not keep to in cities with 20 units. That is about 5.

First, I'm not saying that you need to keep in each city for 20 of the protective groups. This example I gave on the need for heap the formation of their state that will allow in areas that are not border to keep no more than 6 units. So no dispute with you I have not. Please carefully read my article. And preferably as a whole, not individual pieces.

1) can't argue. I already wrote that the tactics of the battle, and the battle for me is less attractive than a strategy. Don't understand why you need so many locks? In the later stages of the game small using gunpowder units you can recruit in towns. Does this mean that the city becomes as a military stronghold and a castle. In any case, they military power are to each other.
2) I don't use dealers. Also once tried to hire them. Did not like. In 80% of cases they simply outbid the competitors, as I wanted them to bleed. Plus, they appear not young, and getting on in years, reducing their service life. Revenue per dealer - a maximum of 250 gold (the most expensive resources). Traders can hire as much as you have provinces (or am I wrong?). Take 40 * 250 = 10000. Max. I agree that is pretty good. While rare resources are not so much, and the merchant to pump hard. Really with 40 traders have no more than 5000. And what is 5000 compared with 70 thousand net profit (again, building in any province do not stop). Total is 70 thousand per turn have 75 thousand And a lot of headaches. Is it worth it? But again, my opinion is subjective. And I don't aim anyone to impose it.
3) About religion. The taste and color - no friends. So someone like that. Personally, I prefer the Catholic faction. Tried to play for Russia and Byzantium did not like. Played for Egypt - not bad at all. Some diversity. Took about 35 provinces. Flew screw. Naturally lost the save. Re-start didn't want. In any case, I prefer Catholics.

Pulsar22 18.09.19

answer 6) Tactics. I attack the city. have 2 mortars, a monster (be a mercenary) or more units basilisks (4 pieces), for example, knights. a volley of these guns coming down the wall the first time with all the troops in the area. to not run away - hit the wall near the towers. if the walls will stand and the troops on the ground they rest in peace. enough time to shoot all the ammo and post almost everything that is possible (it is possible and on the troops, but are of no more use). 2 what is the unit of Konnichi - laughter. A militia against the knights rule. so don't wait to be so presumptuous. There are different circumstances. as for the rest, I like the more agressive style of play, because it is not an economic strategy

barbarian 18.09.19

I don't know how come exorbitant income.Playing for France and I have more than 40 moves, the Treasury is nearly 10 000. And especially after the wars against several adversaries, the Treasury is reduced to 2 thousand. Dissolved in the interior, the army (leaving for the order in each city for 1-2 cheap unit with a Governor) and has concentrated a large army in the border castles of my income is at best 3 000. And the adversary is not given to enrich the Treasury. Markets and trading institutions ranks is extremely rare since there is no time for them. To have all the time to capture other cities, and all the money spend on the army. It was used in the game has more moves then another thing, and so you have to chase the time to be able to capture 45 provinces. Then when all around you is spinning some pumped spasticskie agents is fairly difficult to pump their own.
Though I try to play fair and do not replay bad moments with a saves.

Praetorian 18.09.19

Yes, barbarian support. In my opinion, for the above economic type games France are looking bad. It somehow happened in Medieval 2, what French province is not clear why different mediocre agriculture and bring little income. Only one Novgorod is four settlements frogs :). It may, of course, I'm wrong, but the impression I get.

Pulsar22 18.09.19

The play will be more interesting if you manually register countries the initial capital in a few lemons. a completely different dynamics of development.

Praetorian 18.09.19

In my opinion, on Very Hard mode enemies so enough the dynamics of development, with a vengeance. Why complicate your life?

Sensey2 18.09.19

Yeah... Intiresno of course, but the Pro traders will tell!
Playing for Spain and capturing 75% of territory and having access to almost all resources(!!!) had about 40 traders minimum income from Rogovtsev was 80 florins (cheap resources, I hadn't taken into account!), and the maximum reached 1600 florins!!! (have someone else read it to 2500!!!) so half of my wiles composes the income from merchants! somewhere 25-30 thousand of the city's net income and 30-35 thousand dealers!!!

Makavelli 18.09.19

Guys! The trouble fell on me.... help...

In General play for Egypt , everything seems fine, money is no object,144 move,fight stopped, decided to get upset and to increase the Treasury (after reading the above written). YEAH, I was waiting for the invasion of the Timurids, but suddenly forgot about them and are not prepared, and Bagdad suddenly pianolas 6 units full armies what to do , I figured that I'm screwed is what to do how to fight them ? they are beating sho bad.... I have 8 free generals tried to hire mercenaries to join the battle , but it takes a lot of money.... and fight with them wouldn't know how..... they are invincible....

Give sensible advice

RATIMIR 18.09.19

Great Slavs playing for six months but so never and has not passed, the maximum that was done , it took three Aztec city but due to the fact that flew the computer is not managed to copy the saves and played all the factions except Islamic. And Gras excellent but rather weak intellect AI(playing on the highest difficulty). Tried to proofread the income of all factions(put in the root game folder to the Treasury of avitela from 15000 to 25000 income) but nothing has changed the wiles of the States reached one million and spend it on new armies reluctantly. Now I want to buy MTV-2KD they say Prodvinutyj.
For Makavelli: for the protection of the city against two or more opponents I successfully used a trebuchet, namely:1-the heavy.cavalry, 3-strand.infantry with 6-8 archers and certainly desirable General. When you shall besiege't wait for the storm itself from attack.Trebuchet put along the walls of the heap,and then the archers on the walls are too close, the infantry,cavalry and General at the gate and another squad of archers for live-bait fishing.The beginning of the battle: wait for when the enemy reinforcements(time-small half sandbox), the first open fire a trebuchet burning shells(with gold lychky they will make from 25 to 40% of the people)after a trebuchet get Archer-live bait not far away and the bombs the shooters of the enemy they in turn have to come closer(except crossbowmen)then they will cover your archers from the walls (such a combination repeat 2-3 moves in a row in most cases, the enemy counterattacks after no storms produces predislocation and funding)( but don't forget before leaving the battle to return everyone back to the fortress and then protect lose). Well, if the enemy left a little then get infantry,cavalry, archers addressesa well General and forth with the sword to bare infantry in the center kawaleria from the flanks and the souls of bad people encroached on your property.

Makavelli 18.09.19

Thank you , this tactic I have always done, just 4 but when the full squad on the Timurids attacked me....tried yesterday but did not have time went to sleep (as a job) I think today they will break

RATIMIR 18.09.19

But do not be afraid, anyway, after they take your city have for some time lost the desire to have something to grab. And DURING THIS TIME, YOU CAN COLLECT a FEW STACKS (if finances allow) with a predominance of shooters. With the Mongols and Timurids only arrows can compete (against their shooting cavalry) and infantry KAVALERIJSKOM the charge chrome DAVIE AND AGAIN Trebuchet to help take.

Makavelli 18.09.19


BlackCap 18.09.19

Hi, I must say: barbarian, change the number of moves for 1 turn is 1 year. So it turns out not 225 moves all, and all 450... Optimally. How to register it will not repeat on this forum. Makavelli, Timurids need to get arrows(archers with long distance shooting and gunpowder units are the exact same thing), and, most importantly, elephants beat of artillery. All this naturally in the field, preferably on the bridge, there is about Baghdad there are a couple of pieces, it is possible to close the passage to the South and West of Baghdad. And don't worry about captured the city, losing a battle does not mean losing the war! In case of lack of money for heavy, expensive units, I hire cheap spearmen against cavalry rule, a lot, and build them as a Legion in 2, and then in three rows, the cavalry of course desirable, but not always it is enough, but to bypass and strike at least one flank should be mandatory. Wait when your heroes shooting, attacked and bogged down, attack the cavalry at the flank, the main thing is to accurately guess the time of impact, and then the cavalry or poteryaesh or all your brave men will run and then will not stop them nor a General, nor God himself. And in cities when elsdenii hire the exact same thing. Don't know about you, but I play the 1.3 patch without the time limit of the battle, in the entry just before turning off the computer and the hard drives of ofcos. It's tough! Playing the Byzantium, at war with all neighbours(they attack) and not only. From time to time(almost every turn) disembark a landing down from the Pope to the Moors and want something from my cities :) 50 run, and I have only 10 provinces(including 3 Islands) and the Turks and Egyptians under the walls of Constantinople with the Jihad. How can there even be 100 TASCAM florins - no idea, and no offense to anyone, everything is crap about 7.5 million In 1 turn I hit 1 storm a city or fortress and 2-3 field of battle. The question is, where to find money in this mode, save 50 Grand and get rich pribaltam? And then I have annual income at best 3K in the worst minus ... :( And to replenish the army has to constantly, while I don't use mercenaries, but something postrigay when-ever.

migor 18.09.19

Playing the Byzantium, at war with all neighbours(they attack) and not only.
The question is, where to find money in this mode, save 50 Grand and get rich pribaltam?
Of course, fighting with all of the money will not be much. Try at least one fraction to be friends.
Next, hire merchants, because the middle East is one of the most profitable regions, there are many resources, merchant zero level brings to 200 florins per turn, and only pumped and 1000. And the competition in the middle East is much less than in Europe.
Don't stint to build markets, fields, ports. It is better to go in the negative, and then to have the means to get out of it than to save and have income only from robbery.

BlackCap 18.09.19

Took 2 Hungarian city on the approach of another :) Yes, I from time to time have the neutrality and trade agreement with the neighbors, but they agree only for that would gather strength and come to me again to visit. The money in the world doesn't give a sad experience. The Union with England, but it is far from Egypt recently zadruzhil. Merchants employ all ranks - when there is money. But I forgot to say that pretty much eats up the fleet, holding about 20 ships(ognennye dromey) and they are 200 gold each, but this little, very little... And in the red I almost did not happen, only if a lot of cities under siege. And of course firing cavalry - with these people I and the thunder, but too expensive from 175 to 250 gold, and I have about 25. Here and fighting with the world, not sesnes :) the Conclusion is that Byzantium is to keep a strong fleet and mobile army, otherwise not going to get all the holes which climb good neighbours, and to determine the direction of the main attack, on all fronts it is impossible to successfully attack.