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Sniper-Combine 23.01.20 02:47 pm

Questions on the passage of Half-Life 2 (Half-Life 2)

Ask the questions here for the passage of HL2.
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Tupas 23.01.20


Zmey K 23.01.20

Thank you!

Alert 23.01.20

even the tea is already made, what would the atmosphere of the train to feel
mmm... drinking tea in Ulanowska train with stalkers.
Atmospheric. )))))

And Alex forgets the script.

Stop! Alix, have you forgotten the script, we rehearsed yesterday! - shouted the Director.))
Ahh, damn I propiraet.

xDDGx 23.01.20

And Alex forgets the script.
Yes this is a rip-off ^_^

Redvis_Sai 23.01.20

drinking tea in Ulanowska train with stalkers.
Atmospheric. )))))
Dooooo... hddd

AntiKoper 23.01.20

Damn I can not pass part of Follow Freeman Barney's good there

Tupas 23.01.20

Ignore him then) There's like nothing particularly complicated there. And what exactly is the problem?

Alert 23.01.20

Barney does not return the beer.))

AntiKoper 23.01.20

No just it bothers me at all of the 12 enemies it kills a maximum of two rest I have to kill of the inhabitants and more confused

xDDGx 23.01.20

of the 12 enemies it kills a maximum of two other
Well, you're the protagonist, not him :D

vartigont 23.01.20

can't go in the channels the place where Freeman jumps into the red wagon and there is an observation post... the whangdoodle and the kid... the kid tells it like now my good friend will give you an energy boost... all...... all stand and look at each other in bewilderment... what to do?

xDDGx 23.01.20

Hmm, well, the question >_> You could just a little walk around the trailer, or something, before you leave the game and rush to the forum >_> come to the Messi Arsenal Christmas special, it will give you a suit, and the citizen will open the door of the trailer.

Binocl 23.01.20

To buy a license\ first, it does not post. They're just hiding. And secondly, it runs the founder of parkour, not a miracle\ you're a Miracle) LAN, no offense. You have the scene damaged, there is text in the console Scene scenes/*.vcd missing! ? If so, let someone (DDG, for example) will throw the old scenes to update HL2.

Pristav 23.01.20

Can't pass Chapter 4 the first episode when Gordan falls there is a lot of water the door is closed in order to open it you need to turn on the switch but it turns out the water is under tension ,and everything to do not understand????? Need to go to the door but the current e....t!!!!

On the side there is a button to remove the post, actually.

xDDGx 23.01.20

To play in the CL, we need brains!
Oh, and I must say, the CL requirements to the brain very low :D

Binocl 23.01.20

Well, if people were not HL2, you could not guess. However, the mandatory requirements of CL - through the entire series :D

Alert 23.01.20

He then passed the second CL, which also have the barrels to work in Nova Prospekt?
Although no one said that HL2 was projdata. :\

vartigont 23.01.20

xDDGx, you won't believe I have 5 times pereprohodil Chapter from the beginning to this place.. and three times more time spent in the trailer... so you throw it to me!!

Binocl 23.01.20

In what trailer o_o you're still at the station managed to get stuck? So there we had to immediately go to the left, past the turnstile ^_^
But seriously, come on you. We're passed the game 10 times more than you. What is there you have met, just as we have a specific forum. So better shut up and say thank you to Alex (BT).

.Nero 23.01.20

What the trailer o_o
Is it a container with Rebelo and protoganda the trailer calls.