The nature of the main villains (Far Cry 5)
Welcome, young survivalist in Montana! I think that to date, many have studied and passed the game inside and out. So - what the villain of the game do you think best from the nature, beliefs?I personally do not consider them villains. Consider fanatics. Villains usually know that they are wrong, but they do not care. Fanatics believe in their correctness under all circumstances. That's the difference.
If to speak about the nature and beliefs, that Joseph is still their main reason. He spelled out most efficiently and deeply, his charisma and powers of persuasion, perhaps, and without drugs could induce in the right direction even stone.
John's actions are subject to psychological and physical trauma of childhood, he is hurt and others.
Faith is driven by fear - fear of pain, suffering, Joseph. Turns people into helpless vegetables, which in their dream world don't care about anything and afraid of nothing.
James creates an army using your military experience and hard psychological tricks.
Every antagonist is revealed with one hand. And Joseph - a kind of generalizing way, standing above all and which embodies the main driving element of all of this fanatical belief. Was bright and convincing, hippie judgment Day, ha. :)
And if we talk about the strong impressions regardless of the nature and way, it will allocate James. Me these toys with music box fucking delivered, as well as the desire to thin out the herd. Delivered in terms of emotional response, albeit negative, but bright and genuine.
The rest somehow was weaker in this respect. Well, as for me.
Yes, I will agree with you on the villains they do not look alike.
Thank you for sharing opinion! :)
Well, finish...
Then evil committed in the name of whatever, and not purely for the sake of evil - and not evil at all?
Not a finish, and the finished reading. =) Interesting interpretation of the words of others.
Although it is well PG, I keep forgetting that there simply need to be happens... That one guy is bad. This one is good. Good killing evil (and a half thousand persons on the way), because good always triumphs over evil evil, the doers of evil. To other evils teach it...
And no, stop. Not always. That's why the endings many people do not like. Exactly. There was no picture. Damn. )
Olly-alpha wrote:
An interesting interpretation of hearsay.
So interpretation?
Maybe you just didn't recognize my paraphrase of his words, because not thinking about them?
The villain is the one who does evil from the point of view of the observer. Again, we are talking for a game with a story - from the point of view of the protagonist.
Resolved question: do evil if the local bosses?
Well, for starters: what is a Project? Joseph is the new Noah, and missile silos - the ark. This is from the point of view of Joseph - well, crazy, take it... And assistant with a fright I must admit Joseph as a messenger of God? The entire population of the United States of Anglo-Saxon origin - sectarian. And these sects learned to live if not in friendship with people of other sects. at least in a good neighborhood. And then a guy with a bun on the head starts a religious war . Proselytizing is for all good or evil for the followers of other religions?
For example, Joseph believes in his bogovdohnovlennosti. And his brothers and sisters - in Joseph. But why do we need the ark? What is the purpose of the Project?
And it is very simple: Joseph wants to capture what's left of the world's sole use. He needed for this army, it is created by Jacob. The army must be fed - this is the challenge John. The army needs to be kept in subjection - this is the challenge of Faith. The project is intended to rescue Joseph exclusively with toys.
But the topic was for the characters...
So, who do we put yubisoft?
As I wrote above, all the LEDs work for Joseph. But not all their actions are aimed at the promotion of the project?
John. Requires, that he said Yes, but is happy when you say No. It's sadistic, he's having fun, torturing people.
James. How to kill all the weak help the project? Again, purely a ball for Jacob - he's playing Lord, judging people.
Faith. This character does not understand. It seems that all she is doing is working on the project. No privacy? Or have I missed something?
You should start with your previous question on the topic of evil. And what is good and what is evil? There is no absolute good and evil. They are always relative and depend greatly on our point of view. Moreover, they are often not obvious, because the consequences of a given situation can manifest itself in quite a long time and a long chain of situations-effects. And very few of those who really can estimate/predict the consequences of an event for quite a long time. It is still Bulgakov in"the Master and Margarita I pointed out.
Now let's see the actual project Joseph. What does it do? What Joseph predicted? And he predicted a nuclear Apocalypse that actually happened on one of the endings. What was directed the activities of the sect? Survival not of individuals, but by and large - on the survival of humanity, survival of those who can in the wildest conditions of scarcity of resources and uninhabitable conditions give rise to the new to mankind. And if we consider the activities of the sect to these terms and conditions, opens a slightly different picture.
And John and James, and Faith are three areas of work with people and so existing in any state regardless of the socio-political system.
John, propaganda and psychological work. Agree to go along with the other siblings - you have a chance at continued survival. No - you are an empty eater of the resource. And even worse - a threat to the survival of the others. Any threat to it is better to destroy preemptively.
James - the power unit. Getting rid of the weak - is not only increasing the chance of survival of the other, it is also a basic law of nature. If you have some state thinking, then you have no right to put in a critical situation, life ready organized to survive for the sake of the survival of the weak. And the fact that you are strong and ready to fight for life as his own and others - you have to prove in deed and not in words. And better now while it is still possible to replenish the ranks, than later, when people will be missed. The weak still die, but the strong survival will be big question.
Faith is the most intense from the point of view of the peace public morals character. She makes slaves, expendable material, which can be easy to sacrifice in terms of total post-apocalyptic resource shortages. Whose work in unfit living conditions will help to survive the rest. And this role is best suited to those who said"no" to John.
So try to evaluate the actions of this group not from the point of view of modern morality peace state, and from the point of view of a post-apocalyptic future, but still not from the point of view of the individual, and from the point of view of human survival as a species at all. And then try to assess their activities: good they did or evil because it is aimed to have survived at least someone is - all are dead.
You not from that end come. We are talking for the game from the first person we offered the role. And accents it is necessary from the point of view not of mankind in General, and with specific bumps, which is the main character.
But if your allegedly objective... What would it be for new humanity" and whether it has the right to survival?
Do you really believe that among politicians that you meet the VILLAIN?
Among other waste paper lying around in the game and this little note... I will try as close as possible to present...
The forest has changed. No young animals. Because of the whim of all animals become gay.
And there is no difference, what would it be for a new humanity. The important thing is that it will be. And what will it be after 100, 1000, 10000 years after that, no one can predict. You look for the nearest time after the disaster. And therein lies if not the error, just the inability to look a little further and a little wider. So don't you be the judge about his rights. First when you try to survive in a similar situation.
With regards to GG, I have to it as well, there is no unambiguous relationship, as his antagonists. So with a hangover I must accept his point of view, if he is absolutely not understanding of the situation and not being able to look beyond my own nose, I forced the script to do folly after folly? So to all this I relate only as a toy. For the real development of events in Montana, as in closest to him, will not survive no one at all. And there will be a sea of lava and a very heavy layer of ash. Because on the border of Montana and Wyoming is great stuff, which is Yeloustounsky SUPERVOLCANO. One of the priority objectives in the event of a global nuclear conflict.
And Yes, the politician - not the villain is actually not a politician, and so... chatterbox. The politician is obliged to think in other categories. And again: welcome, evil - things are very relative and ambiguous.
BlackDoomer wrote:
The important thing is that it will be.
Will not. In the aggregate all indications in the game - will not. More precisely, humanity will continue to exist, despite the different Fathers... in smaller quantities and less comfort, but without the help of cultists. But even if you take only the word of Joseph... he has no business to mankind. His goal is Empire. which will replace US. And that's all. No death of mankind in collapse is not provided - only the collapse of a single state.
I was saying that you poorly imagine the consequences of a global nuclear conflict. Will not just one country, will any country participating in the conflict. And will get all the nuclear powers and their allies. Modern means of detection triggers allow not to catch flying warheads to strike back before the warheads reached the target. So you will not find anyone. Europe and the us will cease to exist physically. Given the fact that in Soviet times, the order of strikes on the territory of States was not only Yeloustouna, but is another SUPERVOLCANO long valley, located North-East of the fault the San Andreas fault (known to gamers for Duke Nukem 3D), and is also located on the cocked, and this fault, another fault - Nowosadecki stretching across all the States from Mexico through the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of St. Lawrence. What will happen to South East Asia, when California slides into the ocean? Khan it will be. What will happen to the Atlantic coast of Europe and Africa, when the East coast States will push the Atlantic? What will happen to the climate if even one Yeloustouna a layer of ash on the Atlantic coast States is projected to be 0.5 to 1 meter, and everything else will hang out in the atmosphere? At long valley Caldera smaller, but stuffing more. In the territories of countries subjected to nuclear strikes, States and power will not be long. But will small-town community and the gang by accident survivors, strenuously fighting for is the survival and power in the trash poisoned the earth. Put here nuclear winter in a few years of dust and volcanic ash. That will lead to almost total extinction of the underdeveloped countries in Africa and Asia, accustomed to live on the grazing. Fun is still the same... the Fallout will seem Paradise.
So the idea of Joseph not bad. He understands that in such circumstances, can only survive a fairly large, well-organized and cohesive group of like-minded people/fellow with a rigid hierarchy, discipline and without much pink, snotty, moral issues. And he had the intelligence, talent and ambition such a group to organize and lead. And in what capacity: the prophet, the Emperor, or what is the tenth case for the survival of the community is absolutely not fundamental. Yeah, he doesn't care about the rest of humanity. It solves its local problem of survival. And the survival of humanity for it will decide the laws of nature. He has no need to think about it. Most importantly, these survivors was quite a long time to have someone to propagate the human population and not kill each other in the fight for the last piece of food. The only hole in the plan (or rather the puncture of developers) is a place-based community. With all the conflict in the real world, well, not to survive out there will not survive... but still GG - idiot/idiot (the character) gives actually the actions doomed to death all the people of the region. Even if we ignore, as developed, the option of natural disasters. Think about it: pious this is GG or is it more evil than Joseph with his henchmen.
The characters main villains about the same as in patients of the lunatic asylum, in fact characters and not, the mentally ill, which by means of manipulation and drugs have inspired other people's ambitions that each of them is started to realize because of their perverted fantasies. Joseph from them nothing but their ambition is no different. As for gg, he is like a messenger of God cleansed the earth of sinners and their sins, which undoubtedly would come to the new world along with this insane cult.