Recommendations for upgrading weapons and skills. (Prey (2017))
I went through the entire game on nightmare and I want to share some of her experience.The ultimate truth not pretend,but maybe someone will be useful.
The shotgun rocks. For Dps pumped the shotgun will not overtake neither the laser nor the psi abilities.Download it in the first place.Keep in mind that you need to shoot being as close as possible(well, I think it's obvious), and preferably in slow motion(which at full pumping gives damage amplification).A nightmare to a nightmare(pun though :D) understands,thus,for 6-7 shots.
The rest I want to mention the Taser is showing technopath (with minimal pumping of a Shocker these tough guys are killed without leaving mill ) and mechanisms,suggest to download.
GIPS you have a gun and should be always,though the pump it is not advised,to me it was purely useful for business needs.
The gun can come in handy in space(vs, e.g. cysts,although I suggest to use them against the PLASTER) but a lot of damage from it do not wait,it could be better.I was always more convenient to fly in and put drobin.
To laser even when the pumping slows down the character,and while you pump up the green bar will hang you. Came in handy a couple of times to remove far-flying monsters.
Well, the wrench,again I advise you to apply only for business purposes,for example to break a couple of glasses :)
I played a bourgeois,so maybe the names in my translation will differ.
Here's the priorities:
1)the Processing,she's a Materials Expert - increases the amount of resources during processing.
2)Breaking and Repair(break-in repair and upgrade interchangeably,you will need both)
3)the Autopsy and Disassembly(it is Better to swing these abilities after acquiring at least 1 rank hacking and repair)
4)the Gunsmith and Concentration( swing alternate)
5)Health supplies(first grades can be pumped before)
The rest of it to taste,I note only that the skill of the heavy lifting can be replaced utilizing a grenade.
Psi abilities can be limited to 1 level transformation,for proletaria in hard to reach places.
The main thing - to survive until the drawing nyromodal,and then with the accumulated materials will be too easy.
Shotgun good! :) Favorite psi-ability - kinetic strike. Still has the skill and machine control helps not to be distracted by the infected operators.
Beamer has circulated in full, you can raspravitsya with any stuff
Beamer weavers carries the dust within a couple of seconds and like ethereal phantoms. Otherwise he's not that effective. Especially against machines generally shitty acts
The shotgun pumped the damage and clip (this requires skill on the transit of weapons of protection,and it is desirable of course to find a drawing on the cartridges to dabasu),a skill which increases weapon damage skill that increases damage from stealth,well, the crown of this build is the slow time,and even the thickest technopath or nightmare,turning into dust in just a few seconds.
And how exactly to swing the weapon through the terminal or what? Has passed already 10 hours, and that is nothing found. Only caught the terminal disposal.
ALEX7436 wrote:
And how exactly to swing the weapon through the terminal or what? Has passed already 10 hours, and that is nothing found. Only caught the terminal disposal.
Using sets to improve the weapons can be found at the locations,dead bodies,safes,etc., or to manufacture,but this requires a drawing.
In this thread I wrote where to find it.
To solarphotovoltaic the bug is simple: when you get to the first processor — recycler, it is enough to take any material and divide it into four or more piles. The more stacks, the more resources you get. After press processing and get multiplied by the number of resources.
ALEX7436 wrote:
Such a set is, and what to do with it? Blunt is on the move...
In inventory, choose weapons, and there will be a few items,choose menu,and continue to improve.
Thank you. I'm telling you, protupil. By the way, have you found the Golden gun, at what location is he? ATP
ALEX7436 wrote:
Thank you. I'm telling you, protupil. By the way, have you found the Golden gun, at what location is he? ATP
The location of the residential section,in the crew cabins have A safety Deposit box Jada Makrs.
In General, it is the quest.
I went the ability to make phantoms of dead bodies, very useful, especially if they will be improved.
SPS. Another question. In the terminal services unit. there is a tab staff telling you as the track.. But there are many of them, how did this process occur and why? ATP
Sometimes need for quests,there is still achivka for finding all.
Select the tab staff, and click F/LMB to track the right person,you can only track one at a time.
Crossbow Hunter and simple stuff better. Cysts on the movement react. And organic or not - they do not care.
The huntress and the charges it is necessary to carry in inventory, which is not rubber, and stuff around may not be(although this is unlikely).
Folko-ven wrote:
The huntress and the charges it is necessary to carry in inventory, which is not rubber, and stuff around may not be(although this is unlikely).
Well, bullets to the PLASTER, not rubber. And inventory can be developed. Although in his first passing a hunter I did not use at all - the cysts can sagrit at yourself, and then leave a phantom shift.