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Dmitriy Ryzhkov 03.09.19 11:11 am

Games support 3D

Hello!Yesterday bought a TV with 3D and really want to experience three-dimensional world in any game.But of all the games I've seen only support 3D in Crysis 2.You know what a shooter on a gamepad to play is not very convenient,so please help:if anyone knows of PC games with support for 3D, please write!
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Makuo 03.09.19

For gaming the TV is bad, but the quality?

Makuo 03.09.19

Hooked up the laptop and the computer through the TV. Mouse X7 game edition., The difference just yet. The difference was only in the mice which was just behind my deistvii That otstavel genius

Makuo 03.09.19

Actually, it was about the 3D. We've come this far.

Ryazancev 03.09.19

Want to know more about gaming telly? You here http://www.vybortv.ru/forum-o-televizorax/viewtopic.php?t=39
They can write questions, the guys will explain everything to you if you're too lazy to read.
You have to at least minimally represent what I write.
A comparison of the color of your TV compare Professor photo on the IPhone or on budget Huawei. They have well calibrated the displays in the workplace. Immediately see a big difference in color shades.