Crack a new version (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
On most torrent trackers, all Repack version 1.06 from 11.11.18 and the latest version 1.30 of the game. Actually a question, but what do you expect dear crackers? The output of all the DLC?InboxM
Yes, because after each release of DLC they are probably not profitable to break, here at the end of summer and you will have the hack to the newest version (at the time)
Make it easier to BUY LITSUHU! The game is constantly supported and sawing patches! The year'll have to wait at least until is done with her and will roll out the final break)
The game in my opinion has long been possible to purchase,many times a discount was now again by the way the incentive going.
Played pirates? Tasted? Like it? If YES, then take it. Well, if NOT then don't whine and pass by.
Perhaps the author of the Crimea?? I myself can not buy a license without VPN and dances with a tambourine nefiga does not work.. So, do not just pounce on the author..
Sorry bro, really beguiled, it won't happen again. SchA the boys quickly washed down the hack to a new version, you just do not relax, all will be clear!
a recipe to play with all DLC for $ 100.
go to panpa and everything is there.... still know that there is offline mode Yupley? but this game is not that where need online.
Not the fact that you'll get a clean ACC, the owner will return the ACC and suck his paw.
Actually a question, but what do you expect dear crackers?
Hawa that offer and did not open his mouth. Once you break it all. No one will break the game a hundred times for the sake of some useless patch, because it is necessary to break other news. And need a patch buy.
You account is not needed, he gives it to you for half a day, then takes it away, and you have offline game latest version remains.
Listen honey... the game is worth 4K R (who needs a stump) as be these 4K re on the road simply does not lie. The game is mildly uge that doesn't deserve their money. I even in the sale of 1K is not going to pay because it's not worth it. If you have a wide pocket or your ancestors provide, does not mean that all 4K unnecessary -_- especially at the SN around 5-8K R to do I don't fucking spend big money on igrulki...
Kokoprime1991 wrote:
district 5-8K R
5000-8000 rubles a month???? If I'm not mistaken, it is about 1999-2001 year)