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tema padonok 19.09.19 10:15 pm

Impressions of the game (Battlefield V)

Cheburashka wrote:
and will immerse gamers into the most terrible page in the history of mankind Second World War :)))
And after such a pathetic - tragic phrase a lot of emoticons.. Cheburashka zabolel? Here it is the quintessence of the new Battles. Only in this part just the same and is no atmosphere the most terrible pages of humanity - more on Sabantui like or to festivals entertainers.
With all its disadvantages the coolest atmosphere was in БФ1
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Voodi 19.09.19

ordinary shooter, now all-new of games only come out for the dough, pumping equipment and weapons slag, the choice of the minimal skins do not need nafig. Code new identity thing, he is more successful only because of the blackout, and both games are boring

atmaROZ 19.09.19

I'm at the end of each of the 4 stories is also a departure, something is not working, stupidly hangs the whole process in the end.
Solerno history is completed. That is, after another story with a cold in the final part, had to kill a frozen game Manager. then login again and select the next story to complete. When I started to replay history, I noticed that each of the 3 (if not mistaken) parts. To download any specific episodes chapters, but... the Last part of any Chapter if you choose, that it is buggy, unfinished, there is only Continue, which leads to the viewing of the final movie with the familiar visacom at the end. That is, you need to choose or the first or second to load. The last part of the stories, due to the buggy output is not re without the previous pereprohozhdeniya.
Save as would work, but with the above reservations. And if you go in the process pass some sort of history, then come back the next day in the game you can continue on with the mission which was abandoned a game.

Vasiliy Vinokurov 19.09.19

Feminists 10 out of 10.
As for me - to play this means not to respect the history, veterans and all victims of the second world war. Shooter is good, movie is average. But this whole background of minorities is a nightmare

Maks_Gailish 19.09.19

Bought, played. It is the failure of the decade. But the level of Bf2 with a slightly refined teksturkami. Even to the level of Bbc2 does not hold. And it is DX12 with the settings maximum, and on the 11th version generally graphics with an axe painted. Freaky color palette. Voice of soldier (phrase, command, comments) - HELL shit (in Bf1 voice was already mediocre compared to Bbc2/Bf3, but nevertheless did not cause rejection). Soldiery axis and allies running around with weapons of the opposing side, what it was originally. German sniper with Lee-Enfield? It's easy! German medic with Stan? Even easier! British infantryman with Stg44 a piece of cake. Pz.Kpfw VI in 1940, most of that (and part of the small arms there). Uniforms of the soldiers bought on sale at duty-free in section for young people.
Shitfire, it's kind of unrealistic in scale schizophrenia and drug addiction. This game should be renamed Battlefield: Autism Power.

VuTanG 19.09.19

you can build a thousand bridges and suck one time HY the square! you will be remembered not as a bridge Builder, but as sosatel fucking...it's about the series of battlefield. for me every game was an expected holiday, and schA dice work as the Vietnamese Assembly line! the fifth battle of raw crap. personally, I was disappointed

sevapva 19.09.19

with minimum settings the game is very reminiscent of the old COD )))

Mickey-Mouse 19.09.19

Full hat, after 4 battles, the series went downhill.
Don't know what they think about dice releasing a game.

RestlessDreams91 19.09.19

Keep everyone in the loop.

DragonCommander56 19.09.19

As a true fan of Battlefield, I bought V, half a year after the release, because he knew that most likely at release the game will be unplayable and will be early access (but is actually largely because, just did not like the game) actually it took half a year, but the bugs and crashes still happen, typical Battlefield direct. And I don't even know what it is, because Battlefield 1 in terms of optimization I really liked and bugs were in the release was a little (but the game itself of course), while Battlefield V it's a throwback to the horrible release of the 3rd and 4th parts, not just words from Krivorukov developers.

Well, I bought the game because I love the gameplay of BF and replace it simply does not, there is a game which could convey essentially the Hollywood battles that capture not so much interesting gameplay, but also in its scale and beauty. About the plot, I say don't even want, all campaign complete d*EIT that you don't want to go, better Call of Duty WWII go, but what about multiplayer, Yes, you can elaborate.

In the game two sides, the Wehrmacht, and Britain. The arms have sides in common, but the technique is different. British more rapid and less rapid-fire German that translates into more damage. The values of the armor itself is not here, but there were a rebound, as I understand it, if you shoot at a sharp angle, it will cause minimum damage. Technique as in Battlefield 1 does not appear in advance, and you are given free equipment slot and you choose which tank you take, also with the aircraft. Fix similar to Battlefield 1, or support you can repair the burner yourself or you'll get fixed, but only to some extent completely only the supply stations are scattered around the map and they need way more to build.
In terms of management technique, here I've, felt tanks tanks, because the steel is very rough terrain and you can feel their weight, planes are controlled as before and fight in technology are also interesting and exciting, especially with a good sound. Ammunition from the equipment end, is given a certain number which then must be replenished in General, that is good, because Battlefield 4 was a common situation when you have these 5 rounds ended right during the duel and you couldn't meet the enemy, and in 3 tanks spamming endless shells, now it all depends on how you watch quantity of ammunition.
There are pumping weapons and equipment if pumping weapons modifications rarely changes his appearance, here on the technique a lot to supply useful, for example Weberling (ZSU), to turn into Windstorm putting in place 4 20-mm guns, one 37-mm, similar applies to other equipment. The weapons are mostly pumped either to fire from the rifle scope or shooting from the hip making it more comfortable. But some of the trunks can be put for example an expanded store. The technology still has a special shells which caused major damage to equipment and give them basically 8 pieces, that will last probably 2 tanks to take out the enemy. Small arms can also be changed externally, it's mostly just a different paint, but there is some unique stuff, for example is tied with a bandage barrel, or the magazine pouch on the butt, but this is not enough, mostly just paint, which spoils the legendary weapons. There are still sights of several types and their camouflage can be changed, I never had put, for also spoils the appearance of the weapon.

Arsenal of weapons from the Second World is scarce, due to the fact that in reality he was very poor in comparison with the current time and then to talk about any separation of the parties and not necessary, otherwise everyone would be running around with a rifle and a gun basically. But it is not clear why the developers have added weapons straight from Battlefield 1, and some still very illegal, what extremely pisses me off, because V and without this is very similar to 1. Class 4-d, the Assault Arsenal of assault and semi-automatic rifles, explosives and grenade launcher, the medic a pistol-machine guns, support guns and shotguns and the scout rifle bolt action rear sight, well, and a couple of semi-automatic guns with a scope.

All of the art is not so much a direct (relative to the real number of vehicles during WWII), of the selectable, 5 (6 chehlarov) tanks and 6 planes (3 of them a copy of the first 3, but with other pump modifications). In classes three classes of tanks (light, medium and heavy), ZSU and Sam (the Brits have two of them) and the British is a medium tank, armored vehicle with a gun. There are still appliances that is present in the map, it's anti-tank guns different from the British and the Germans, one anti-aircraft gun which is on two teams and German (don't ask why), a pair of APC (M3 and Sd 251) [they are very cheat], the British light breinersdorfer which is useless and the machine guns and all-terrain vehicle from the Germans. So basically the transport of the ordinary, maybe some towed artillery transport. Still have a few unique techniques that is called only by the squadron commander for the glasses (but I have rarely seen) Because now you can take any tank, a situation may arise when the map some ZSU is only, or some heavy tanks. There are situations when a thread Valentine may simply due to rate of fire to shoot the Tiger, it's a little weird, but mostly more or less streamlined. But in terms of the impact on the balance, it all basically as in the last part (4th and 3rd), that is, if you're a noob, you'll melt in the tank after 2 minutes, if you're skilled, you can bend tanks only so, but as for me the cheat here, it's a BTR, they have a shooter who shoots from the right window and you can't kill him, you can put the APC in front of the enemies and to shoot quite a few people until you destroy I for example yesterday on the map Airfield put BTR in the direction of the enemy base, to the left of the hangar and shoot 13 people for about 2 minutes until I found (although it was right out in the open). then I got, but I killed the offender and another 5 minutes standing in front of enemies and shoot slowly (because the tank was and I would not like I had lit) and only after some time the enemy decided to shoot at standing alone in the APC, and saw that there is someone there is! Well, I dismantled quickly, but I had 18 people somewhere to shoot in the end, the top is also good shooter can shoot enemies, but if you stand then you will quickly shoot the snipers or anyone else, however, is difficult to get moving, I once in 40 seconds, 10 people were shot. In short, APCS are very cheat here, but no, they are just normal steel.

The gameplay has not changed, run around the map, take the technique, grab the point all the same. Added build fortifications, why they are needed is not clear, still can not help, except that some passages to zabrakovat possible, and so they are useless, still can boxes with first-aid kits and ammunition to destroy and they too will have to build, besides you can still machine guns to deliver, but benefit from them as from the fortifications I have not found. Added shoals in the fall that would not get damage even a strong explosion can swing, the actual value of all these gameplay chips is extremely low, just for a change soon.

But here's an attempt to force players to play a team sometimes angry. First no one does, for example cut the ability to mark enemies, now put a label and it stays in place even if the enemy ran away, but the scout can mark enemies normally, but what good will that do if the scouts don't do that, I have rarely seen that they sat and marked enemies, mainly customrecord with bytovymi in the bushes. With the kits I liked the idea, but it happens often that no one helps you and you have to run to the medicine chest, and all the stupid doctors ignore you, although there are only about 3-ku click is necessary and all, but even that is difficult. With cartridges one problem in all parts, sometimes from someone to get ammunition is extremely difficult, but the good thing now you can go and take for himself the support and ammunition. But we have to admit that if you kill and its close, some far more often than for example in BF3.

TTK in the game is sometimes very strange, you cut off a few bullets, sometimes even the shop can not kill, very strange, but mostly here in this plan, nothing wrong with that, netcod good and behind a wall, like do not kill, and the hit register is fine.

The graphics are beautiful (another, and not should be expected), RTX of course adds little more beauty due to the beautiful reflections on the technique in the rain or on the water, but the graphics look only at the beginning, BUT all this does not mean that it is not necessary to make beautiful, because it very well captures the spirit of the game, the battle in the style of Hollywood movies. The sound also keeps up with the graphics and it's beautiful when you hear how strekochet machine guns as planes fly over head and somewhere passing by a heavy tank, well, just pleasure. Destructible visually better, but the building still is not fully eroded some, but I think that the infantry was left without shelter.

Cards 12 now and this after more than half a year after the games release and they will not say that direct all the good, there are a couple good like Iskorezhennogo Steel, Arras and Tank barrage. Mercury recently added is also good, but certainly not the level of Caspian border from Battlefield 3 Road or Golmud Battlefield 4, and in terms of technology ustraevaet is that Tank Barrage, because it there is enough and others not so much.

What I didn't like:
- Sparse number of armored vehicles, where the Panther, king Tiger, Comet, Matilda? Where Fairplay? Why armored vehicles from the Germans there, although their were many different versions they have? Why two aircraft of the same appearance? Why not make for example Messerchmitt and Focke-Wulf as more an armed version? Why not make Spitter and Typhoon or tempest? Why Germans have no heavy fighters? Developers could, for example, the paucity of the Arsenal of small arms to compensate for a large variety of military equipment, but no, made a few tanks and so enough, and the planes they were too lazy to do;
- A guide to team play it is not cool, mostly due to the fact that no special team play and doesn't want, but some mechanics are still good;
- Arsenal of Battlefield 1 is not needed, as shouldn't add doubles of some guns, if you really wanted a variety of Arsenal, why not make at least the weapons and U.S. and Russian too, so much variety, and better added the prototype weapons of the Second World War, which is why we did not;
- There are still bugs and other deficiencies in the game;
There is a feeling that this is a large-scale war of a thread is expensive film, but the presence of women who are constantly hysterically screaming and whining, as well as the appearance of the soldiers clearly separates the game from the setting of the Second World War. Rather more like the war after the Apocalypse where people have only old technology and weapons.
- Customization of soldiers is confusing and does not allow to determine the class of the player running, if earlier, each class had a unique appearance and it was from someone close to you, now we still see the pale blue marker over the head with ally to find out what it is class, but even if you suddenly change the color of the marker to more visible, just look at the character model much faster than remembering what a class icon. And generally the customization as I don't need in-game model of your character you can't see in the game, on the characteristics is not affected and does not give any bonuses, why this customization except to show off to others is not clear;
- Scarce external customization of weapons which at first has no effect, the second stupidly changes the color of the item while I for example wish that I bandages the trunk was just twisted, and not doing it burmalinovo gray color;
- Why the FG-42 gave the gunner if it's an assault rifle? The attack is so particularly travel trunks not enough, and he's got another away also;
- It is not clear why change the aiming in some guns, now for example the MG34 no aiming with the front sight until it's actually put on the bipod, which is extremely difficult, because it managed usporiti. If before put on the bipod and all, it is now possible for example to turn the weapon and the front sight will then turns off, then turns on, because the bipod is automatically removed, what kind of stupidity? But with some guns you can shoot with the fly without having to put on the bipod;

The result:
Of course the game is not without drawbacks, and maybe what I forgot to specify (but this is likely minor flaws to be overlooked), but it's still good, it's still Battlefield, with still beautiful graphics, still military equipment and flying overhead aircraft, in short, not all will, but good too, if you close your eyes on some problems.

sevapva 19.09.19

I dig the single. after work another hour . beauty. all is unscrewed on a maximum. I want to enjoy the picture too. and she's on top. good bought a Radeon 7 even at 8K you can play on medium 20 fps the game runs smoothly. don't like multiplayer shooters. only арма3. the rest sucks. kindergarten of some kind.

sevapva 19.09.19

Oops, I understood the settings. Now I have 8K on ultra average fps 50. I will disperse farther. Video card is configured to work with a sparing mode))) had to explain to her what was happening.

sevapva 19.09.19

right I wonder what the cons put