Pink texture (Fallout 4)
The game runs all is fine only pink texture, what could be wrong?? if the graphics card that the game does not go..repak curve error paths, or the graphics card is very bad.
typically, these textures mean that the engine is not found or stretched textures
if the graphics card that the game does not go
Nope. It can be a sign of a bad her condition was.
If so, she might just die.
If the same texture, then roll on top of the other Repack, they can be just bytime. Or the config is broken.
Sayat Askarov
And than confirmed the opinion that if you have problems with the video card, the game would not start? The problems are different. When my video card died,sometimes just everything was in pink color. Well,or purple. Initially helped to move the wire,then it started happening more often. Changed to none, all normal.
Sayat Askarov
And a screenshot can make? To at least see what it looks like. Direct screen sfotat in the phone or camera
It is possible to hang a color filter. In the console register rimod 002041B6 (without the quotes)
Although came across the phrase some of the texture. Need a clarification.
Alex Anytin
By the way,Yes. Possible. Have not played in this misery,I forgot about this bug. Although,I never had,but others had often complained of blue-gray-green filter
Usually this happens if you put texture mods. And did not finish the necessary lines in fallout.ini
There is a parameter sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\ after which follows should be without a space including the comma: , TEXTURES\ INTERFACE\ MUSIC\ SOUND\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\ MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\, SHADERSFX\
It will be fully so
I have this glass came from fashion glass to make the glass, and the objects themselves really became stekljannoe, but if you lay out the online glass it's pink)
I have line sResourceDataDirsFinal just empty on-demand Nexus Mod Manager'and
On the screenshot you can see that is clearly not a common color filter...
People, if buggy all the textures are exactly like the flash and the stripes colorful - the effects of LSD in General. Immediately, the first game the rules are, and then begins, and the time may be different: starting with 5 min of the game and up to 30? The screen do not work, for some reason the screen just a black screen...Can someone tell me?
Ilya Zinoviev
I have exactly the same problem,but also the text becomes an white quadratic