What to do in the hospital?
Tomorrow go to hospital for examination, for a week, I don't know what there is to do. Don't want to lie and stare at the ceiling all day, who can advise?Don't get mad, I go home in the evening, and 7 am came. In principle, officially you can't, but you can negotiate at the front Desk, insisting that it is not sick, but just on inspection....There in some hell write onfamily matters, every time, and all....
you can negotiate at the front Desk, insisting that it is not sick, but just on inspection....There in some hell write onfamily matters, every time, and all.... and what for then generally to go to hospital if you just need a checkup? Well, you walk in a day hospital! In the morning they came, checked and the gorge home!
So there is for military if skipped the General check, as I understand it. And there's only so no day hospitals....
Outpatient everywhere! I for the military, too, the survey went, and through the day!
Strange....I never had to fight a bit with the doctor had that card\the questionnaire. Military hospital the same....It may, of course, now everything is different, or from the military depends what direction on survey issues.
When I lay with the man were laughing with all the stupid and threw all sorts of shit :b well, even as var player books magazines
What to do in the hospital?
When I was in the hospital, most of the time playing cards with other dudes.
What to do in the hospital?
Read, play PSP, if you have to solve crossword puzzles, Sudoku and other... is to take a (small preferably).
Hurry I wish to pass the examination!
I'm back! all you have passed the entire course semiozernyi enemas!? Well, as any improvement?
When I was in the hospital, took a laptop with a modem between treatments was sitting brazenly on the Internet to play shooting games (with headphones so not to annoy others). The benefit of the house I had a separate.