Cutting weapons (The Saboteur)
BleedWas a variation of a normal shotgun, however, had a much larger scatter fraction, that reduced the possible range of combat. However, at medium range, dealing little damage, he could knock the enemy down for the subsequent zoom-in and finishing. In a close combat weapons were capable of inflicting significantly more damage, being practically fatal. Such characteristics are unique to the game.
Unlike other weapons, the shotgun never appears during the game, because for a long time the fact of his creation remained a secret. Judging by the screenshots, tested instead of a shotgun and then had to have its place in the game, but before release it was removed.
Lee Enfield
The characteristics of this rifle had a relatively weak range. Interesting is the fact that all sniper rifles, except for sniper rifle company of the terror, have variation without optics. The Lee Enfield is the same, judging from the available images, this variation did not. It can be seen lying at the entrance to Belle, next to a machine gun MG-42. To get that, you need to do a small bug with the Ghost town like in this video:
Then head to the bar, Belle and go into it. Inside, you will have the ability to throw grenades. Go to the stoic, at the door, and throw grenades inside so that after the explosion of a rifle the Lee Enfield was maximally close to Sean. Take it as soon as command find or to change weapon.
Tommy MG with clip
He was, in essence, a purely aesthetic change standard Tommy G instead of he had a drum clip that may even have reduced damage.
Despite the fact that it is not available for purchase in the store, it can meet the Resistance members and to find at the end of the mission Dark Reign.
A pistol with a short clip
As Tommy circumcised only outwardly different version of the Gun. Different from the fellow that had cropped clip, however, available for the shooting remained the same with eight cartridges.
A single instance can be found in the secret way to the Catacombs.
A pistol with a silencer without silencer
Did not have any unique properties - on the contrary, the lack of silence makes him almost useless, as it is weaker than any other gun available in the game. And yet, he had added his own sound of the shot to distinction with more useful variation.
Despite the inability to use, it can be seen from Margot.
Viper SMG without a silencer
Like a Gun without a silencer, this gun was useless due to the low damage compared to competitors, but also had their own sound. As much cannot be found in the game.
Bomb aircraft
Go to the edge of the map(it is marked,you can just stand on the hatched area), will immediately hear the hum. You look at the sky as all planes , wait until they fly close. At the first explosion run to the playing area and wait until the rumble will not! After a run to the line of explosions , there were not bombs, they spark when the top will burn: Take Action, take. Replace grenades
German knife (not quite the cutting weapons, but still...)
Run the launcher of the game press F4 and in the run window enter this code:
BH87 VJ52 VK5Z 8J4N
To perform a murder with the help of German knife, steal up to the Nazi and hold the invisible murder.
In conclusion, there is information that the game was cut the ability to upgrade weapons in the passing game in certain styles. At least, it was possible to improve MP40SMG and to the butt, most likely, for more accurate shooting.
The originals: