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Vanya Rygalov 26.01.20 04:26 pm

Unknown alcohol

The ability to not drink all of this,
The ability to drink is an art.
He is not intelligent, who is drinking wine
Without thinking and without feeling.

The wine has poison and honey
And slavery and freedom.
Rates blame do not know the
He who drinks it like water!

Love wine, I love it
To not repent,
Don't get cocky when he was drunk,
But does not fall.

Some wine leads to flight,
Other knocks in stride.
Rates blame do not know the
He who drinks it like water!

Creates in us the intoxicating juice
And folly, and the revelation.
It — creation source
And the thirst for destruction.

Wine indulgence does not give
Those he is in favor of
Sometimes itself does not take care
Who drinks wine like water!

Mirza Shafi Vazeh

Not to take away or add. Bravo!

Now we will pass from lyrics to prose.

Indeed, the ability to drink is an art. And master it quite under force to any loving and self-respecting homo sapiens, knowing some aspects of the action of alcohol on the man and following a few simple rules.

The first and foremost thing that you should know and remember is that the feeling of lightness, suppleness and the ability to carry on a casual conversation (if you are in the company) occurs after about a few minutes after the first 40-60 grams of alcohol (of course it is necessary to consider the individual characteristics of the person and his weight). Jokes seem funnier, the response speed of reply nifty increases, the unfamiliar girl become Meloidae and talk and even flirt with them becomes much easier. Everything around begins to seem brighter and, most importantly, you begin to feel more confident

Further, this sense of ease is gradually eroding. To return it to you the same dose you started (sometimes even less). BUT... unfortunately, this effect is not infinite because the accumulation of alcohol in the body changes and its effect and it is not so nice.

Knowledgeable people, and receiving this fact, as a sad inevitability, as a rule, empirically already determined for themselves the line which one should not go just stop taking alcohol. It's called know your dose. The dose that defines your comfort zone if you want.

Still need to know and also accept the fact that to increase this pleasant effects of alcohol, increasing the amount you take is also, unfortunately, will not work because in this way it just happens at a more rapid accumulation of alcohol in the body in the quantities when he ceases to be enjoyable.

Also do not rush, listen to yourself, to your feelings - I feel good, I find it easy and fun. So it is possible to postpone the adoption of the following glasses. Not worth it, even if you know the rule, drink it as soon as possible. Trust me, it will not. Try rather to stretch its norm (which, hopefully, you've already defined for yourself) at the time.

By the way, a good starter extends pleasant Alko bonuses, don't neglect it.

Some people think that alcohol improves mood, only increases its degree. It may well be more than a reasonable assumption. probably, people who know this feature of the effects of alcohol on the organism is necessary to consider this fact.

Of course, there are still some details that I didn't mention or maybe don't know them. Happy to read about them.

Peace people. And...

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pekabir 26.01.20

normal a sheet dashed, it was interesting to read

MunchkiN 616 26.01.20

pacany what to do?
a lot to drink I don't the MAG because if I drink a lot of me in Minya will be heavy in givati and StarNet then. and in the gloomy mind, I could not leave that there is a strange thing to do all sorts of funny and feelings of drunkenness is not finally.

the endless misanthropy o 26.01.20

MunchkiN 616
someone makes?

Kirlusha 26.01.20

Vanya Rygalov wrote:
By the way, a good starter extends pleasant Alko-UPS
Very not bad helps a slice of cheese with a slice of lemon as a snack to each glass.
Not very tasty, but effective. Strap threshold is increased by at least 50%.
Always use. Recommend.

MunchkiN 616 26.01.20

the endless misanthropy of the black cosmos
and people someone makes?

A.Soldier of Light 26.01.20

MunchkiN 616 wrote:
and people someone makes?
Well, unless their brain, it has feelings. That is, the temptation to drink more and often on a daily basis, as part of a normal life. And can't imagine a single day without a Cup of beer and so on 8) I Saw, I know, I do not drink.

rPeBoJL 26.01.20

ha this Sranu closed)
meanwhile tellapur kudato put yourself to more

Yczh-Kazym 26.01.20

3Haku_B_OkHe wrote:
ha this Sranu closed)
This is a big loss for the forum, I tell you. I hope not forever closed.

rPeBoJL 26.01.20

don't worry. soon again, this will throw out the carcass ashore and the gulls fly to the smell

the endless misanthropy o 26.01.20

Me from alcohol neither fun nor good. Drink, mostly with colleagues in person without addictions, I don't like, but my addictions are not understood and condemned, have to drink with them of the ordinary. At the age of 15 to drink and it was good and fun, but it's been 10 years, I'm tired of 20, other years - literally forced. When alcohol I experience lethargy, speech impairment, deterioration of motor skills, loss of focus, sometimes a headache. A positive effect is missing.
Because of experience with really heavy weapons do not experience the confusion of thoughts, aggression, don't make rash, stupid antics. Aware of what is happening where I am, what it was about, who these people are, when will buhoy Burgos and when to leave. So, are sober, even if you stagger and stumble.
Thus acquired a taste for a particular drink, such as cherry lambic, coffee with cream liqueur 50/50, Jagermeister, fragolino Rosso. Act exactly the same, but when drinking, feel the flavor of those places where they were invented and how much effort has been put into the recipe.

Aleksator 26.01.20

I do not drink. I maladets.

rPeBoJL 26.01.20

At the age of 15 to drink and it was good and fun, but it's been 10 years, I'm tired of 20, other years - literally forced. When alcohol I experience lethargy, speech impairment, deterioration of motor skills, loss of focus, sometimes a headache. A positive effect is missing.

here plusnet

v1806v 26.01.20

ALCOHOL is evil . I am 40 years old . There is experience . Yes, I sometimes spend in the cold and battle . But tell you what . At first everything is fun and almost no hangover but for 35 years the problems begin . The liver . kidneys . Severe hangover until shorter . What for it is necessary for if delayed alcohol then it is not so easy to quit. Smoking is easier to quit.Do not hide if you do not know the measure is genetically not all the extent I know and can stop in time .

RussianQuaker 26.01.20

Blue shit, acetone cool. The main thing with the spice is all sorts of confused

Vanya Rygalov 26.01.20

I'm back.

Self-Relliant 26.01.20

The quality of alcohol in Russia is very low, and therefore the hangover.

A.Soldier of Light 26.01.20

Vanya Rygalov wrote:
I'm back.
*look at the award under the name* ... Well, you Joker 8)
Self-Relliant wrote:
The quality of alcohol in Russia is very low, and therefore the hangover.
Quality of life low quality of the people is low = ? )
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