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ya.barmaleyd 02.02.20 08:41 pm

AFIGET! To play litsuhu need the first SKYLANDERS you buy!!! (Total War: Warhammer 2)

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Avea 02.02.20

As I wrote above, 2 Warhammer is JUST a whirlwind. Old world with all races there is 1 Warhammer. Ie do you think that buying only part 2 you'll get the whole old world and all races?! The developers are not so stupid. Of course the first thing is their income, as well as the fact that people bought the 1st part will receive a delicious gift for those who support the game - FLS the death of the Empire(Yes, that FLS, but not the third part, as some here have written, the 3rd part will be released closer to 2020 and there will also be FLS with the Grand campaign for owners of all 3 parts).1 part you just need to play races of this part, and for all bought the same race. Stop whining and read carefully the description.

RikoChiko 02.02.20

Yes, everyone already knew who you are, calm down.)

Slava Shavlak 02.02.20

That you're strange, the campaign of the Vortex is a plot of the second part of the game, and SI is a bonus for those who bought two wahi. If you think about it ,there is nothing globalscope ,as such a huge content then you will not stick in the full game. Not for nothing did they call them PARTS. And here is another thing DLS blood and racial packs that should be in the game.

Slava Shavlak 02.02.20

You're right,this Supplement,but for those who bought both parts. This is stated in the store,you're just inattentive
P. S. I'm not careful, Warp directly to the second part, SI - addition

Avea 02.02.20

Maybe the Vortex isn't Supplement because is the main game of the 2nd part, no?) Empire FLS(Supplement is not a standalone game and an additional campaign(like in the 1st part of the Call zverolov, etc.))

ya.barmaleyd 02.02.20

All. The topic is closed. Then delete the posts.

Edgens 02.02.20

When downloading pirates, there is not written Total War WARHAMMER II - Mortal Kombat. But ONLY Total War WARHAMMER II. From here and the whole story. If the Repack indicated about Empire, I would have bought SUPPLEMENT about Empire. And without a vortex.
What does a licensed game is the fact that you don't understand when I downloaded the pirate Repack?
Before something to make, buy, and so on, you first read and understand this than to do and to go and complain, don't even understand the problem all to blame, and so when you were given satisfactory answers!
You are either very careless or inept Troll!

Agat7 02.02.20

Lelik Bobik
It certainly justifies developers. I immediately reconsidered my position and realized that they were good guys that just need 1 time to buy blood for individual grandmother, so she was everywhere.

Andrey Kurskiy 02.02.20

I'll tell you more. In addition to the first part for a full game need to buy a good dozen dlc. Tomb kings, wood elves, beastmen, chaos and Norsk paid additions in giving the opportunity to play for these races (though I Norsk got for free once when both parts bought). Plus you have to shell out for the King and the leader, sinister and the Queen and the witch. These dlc in addition to new lords, to add/expand mechanics+new units. And of course, I almost forgot, private pay Supplement is bloodpack.
Right or wrong to saw the game for so many extra paid content, everyone decides for himself. I'm personally playing the pirates took the decision to acquire this product with all the additions. In my opinion it is good product worth the money.

mefiro 02.02.20

Andrey Kurskiy
Indeed, after playing in the 1st total war(for me it was Rome 1 (it is to recall something similar but from another Studio) thought about how cool it would look the setting in a fantasy universe. So buying everything at once is expensive, but 2 parts are unfortunately necessary if you want to play mortal Empire and additions to the basic races (for which you at least intend to play, is also desirable). The rest can be purchased if the game, besides, occasionally there are discounts, especially on the old DLS and 1 part. I have purchased all the extras and the game gives a lot of pleasant emotions even now. Especially in the pirates normally do not get to enjoy the mod( and there are really a lot good and they further expand the game).