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Reddington1371 02.02.20 08:45 pm

Life in another reality

Would you like to live in another world? From movies, games, books, and more. For example I always wanted to live in the Wider world the Lord of the rings. Not the Museum that we have and the one where the small kind and artistichna people, beautiful nature and not polluted by technology. And you? The moment of dreams)
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BlackGhoSsT 02.02.20

The World Of Dark Souls. That's where my pleasure would be visited. About living there-nah, me and my reality satisfied. Moreover, there is not life, and existence in the image of a walking rotting corpse)

Vova Nesvetaylo 02.02.20

No did not want to wander in the fantasies of strangers

Garrus-1994 02.02.20

Well, actually you can now be in another world. Enough gas to snuff, well, or the weed. All...what kind of world closer to you, and that more likely is causing your emotions, and vosproizvoditsya. Or are we talking about a legal entry to another world? Well, that's a problem. Yeah...And to visit I would like in many worlds, to live only in his.

7Rain7 02.02.20

You that do smoke for the new year?

Vanya Rygalov 02.02.20

Heh, heh... Christmas Tree

requiemmm 02.02.20

Usually all the interesting fictional worlds are very dangerous, well, maybe in the pony don't kill anybody, but from there the game to go only way to go. In the other ordinary inhabitants crumble in droves, they have no plot armor the Main Character, so to live there, I would not want to. But to walk from world to world invulnerable hologram most of it, just imagine that every sufficiently detailed work after the last lines or titles continues to live its own life, developing at the author laid down the laws. It is interesting to see what happens in a favorite book, 20 years after the completion of the story. And if the plot was even small contradictions, you suddenly discover the place of children's tales a novel in the style of dick!)

Reddington1371 02.02.20

Perhaps isn invent interactive movies and books just Amomum to follow

MunchkiN 616 02.02.20

interactive books and movies is a little different.
first of all there is not provided. in the second narrative there is much overlooked.
thus it is more likely to be similar to the adventures of the assassin and any initiative there will be punished.
therefore, all the same to live or to be in opposition to a different sort of simulation is diametrically different.
so blown by the harsh winds kasatura, knee-deep in soap Posay, in the court of the attempts to melt the sticks of firewood and unable to hook a fish to eat will uplift his hands to heaven and begged to be well-fed and rich in mother Russia, settled in a cozy warm couch and sausage and some tea to watch what was happening. peck-peck

T.T.G 02.02.20

You that do smoke for the new year?
Do onduty thread.

stalker7162534 02.02.20


Vaipen 02.02.20

For animeshka would travel.

Strel-Ok 02.02.20

me and my reality happy
You already wrote somewhere that sociophobe. Do you like it?

BlackGhoSsT 02.02.20

Strel Ok
I like the fact that you do not understand sarcasm.

Strel-Ok 02.02.20

Strange, why, and how can you arrange or not to arrange.
And what sarcasm is: the fact that you supposedly sociofobi or that you are satisfied with this reality? Unlike you, with no claims to write, just curious.

BlackGhoSsT 02.02.20

Strel Ok
And what sarcasm is: the fact that you supposedly sociofobi or that you are satisfied with this reality? The sarcasm that I supposedly sociophobe.
Unlike you, without pretensions writing Where you claim you saw?

masha 02.02.20

Civilization needs to grow, the Church should not interfere. Power in Russia should not change. And everything will be possible.

rPeBoJL 02.02.20


the endless misanthropy o 02.02.20

I live in a world that has lost. It exists in my mind, it's beautiful, and seems much more real than this. Me enough to address my illusions and I'm already in it. Friends and colleagues distract me, returning to this toxic wasteland. Their questions seem to me to be irrelevant, and insignificant events. They do not cause anything but indifference. Too bland, too dull, there is nothing good, not disappointing, I don't believe this world, so why should he be real? In the world that I lost all endowed with a sense, there is a place for dreams and justice, it makes it real, but only for me.

Garrus-1994 02.02.20

Well, take, for example, the treatises of the great scholars on the right, say Locke and Montesquieu. Read and marvel dayus. Go and read the constitutional law of the Russian Federation and now another reality. But if we try to realize fully their rights and try to prove to the officials that they are thieves and BAM...another reality. Or go and read the Constitution, well, just a document from a completely different reality. Starting to realise just how many realities, and which one am I? Any inconsistencies already creates a different reality. In Russia Cueva cloud these realities. Wherever you go everywhere is a different reality. In the store and so the real prices that much faster would make it possible to be powered with the sunlight. Although there are probably officials of the wines.

7Rain7 02.02.20

A PG with the reality of life to adapt or change something you can't. With a fright they decided that they would be better in another.
All suits me in this.