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Oleg Makerov 04.02.20 12:16 pm

windows 10 32-64 bit.

I had Windows 7, I upgraded to 10, now I can not switch from 32 to 64. If you look in the system section on the system it says 32 - bit operating system, the processor 64. It turns out that can go to 64? Help who can.
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Luka_gg 04.02.20

Oleg Makarov
There is a personal, go there

Oleg Makerov 04.02.20

2)no Boot Device HDD only the name stick.

SonyK_2 04.02.20

Oleg Makarov
Nonsense do - when you start the computer (without entering the BIOS), you can call (disposable) Boot menu, depending on the manufacturer can use different keys (for example F8, F12 etc. - look in the instructions for the motherboard). If the stick is properly written OS image, choose it from the list of devices, and to begin the installation. If the first boot device, put the USB in the BIOS and when installing the error occur - when it would reboot during the installation, start again to boot from USB drive (all over again) instead of the disk. Boot menu exclude such as is invoked by the user, and the first boot device in the BIOS menu and there should be a drive (HDD / SSD), on which you will install the OS.
...Ie in the tab boot 1) leave as is. 2)Boot Device instead of CD/DVD to change to DD.
In the tab Boot Settings put 1st Boot Device - HDD. If the CD / DVD drive and other devices is not planned to constantly use as a boot - in 1st 2nd Boot Device and 3rd Boot Device set value Disabled.
2)no Boot Device HDD only the name stick.
And not if it is already set as first boot device, put the second one will not work - only if you replace the first paragraph of the HDD to something else, will be able to install it the second, third, etc.

PS please Hide the image under spoiler - scroll for half a page to read, reluctant.
Here tacherting, videos, etc. occupying much space.

Ivan Plaskon 04.02.20

On the office site I went and downloaded everything. Started the computer without a digital signature verification and install on the health of 64-bit